The survey was a short little survey with only five multiple choice questions, asking about their age, their profession, how long they've been drawing, and what they would like to learn. The response came back with over 50%25 of the members surveyed revealing that they're actually over 50 years old, and has just began to start learning how to draw. I find this rather interesting because why did these members wait until way past 50 before pursuing their passion? After all, many of them did communicate to me via email that they know deep within themselves that art is something that they've always wanted to pursue. But my question is, why the wait? Well, one of the members replied and said that now that the kids have grown up, he now has more time to pursue his own interest. Lack of time has been cited as the number 1 reason as to why they didn't learn how to draw earlier. But there's a more subtle reason behind the lack of learning how to draw duriing younger days. And that's a lack of believe that they would be able to make a decent living as a full time artist. For some reason, many artists are aware of this urge to be close to art deep within. As time passes, the urge gets stronger. The more the artist tries to resist, the worse it gets. Until finally, when free of financial commitments (to family, to children, to parents, etc), the artist feels free to pick up art. But by now, he or she is over 50 years old. Still, what matters is that is it too late to learn how to draw at this age? You and I both know that the answer to this question is an obvious no. It's never too late too learn how to draw. In fact, it's great news that the artist now pays attention to his feelings. He feels free and happy to draw. I rejoice with these artists for only with this awareness will they consciously choose to learn how to draw. The more they draw, the more they become and the more they live. In learning how to draw, they have become artists. Darren Chow is the founder and developer of, an online website that offers free drawing lessons, home study courses, and other drawing related resources. For more free resources like the one you've just read, please visit for free online drawing lessons.
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