Many people know that exercise provides numerous health benefits to the people that exercise on a regular basis, but many do not know that exercise can help them sleep better. Regular exercise has been proven to help people fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer in many studies by researchers across the nation. Daily exercise can also correct periods of sleeplessness linked to increased stress or anxiety in the person’s life. Experts recommend people do light to moderate exercise lasting for at least 30 minutes three or four times a week to receive the benefits of the exercise linked to sleeping better. It is important that the exercise is done in the morning or the early afternoon so that the adrenaline rush from the exercise does not interfere with the person falling asleep in the evening. Aerobic exercises are generally the best for many people because the movements are low impact and the pace of the exercise can be changed to be comfortable to the person doing the exercises. Exercise can also increase the amount of time that the person spends in the deepest stages of sleep, also known as stage four sleep. Spending more time in deep sleep helps the person wake up feeling refreshed and well rested each morning. Increased amounts of deep sleep during the night also can help the body feel healthier as the body is able to repair itself from the damage that occurs to it during the day. Just as exercise makes the body feel stronger with continued use, deep sleep makes the body feel more comfortable and flexible when the person awakes. Getting the right amount of exercise is important to the health of people of all ages, from small children to seniors. In addition to strengthening the muscles and toning the body, regular exercise can reduce risk of many health conditions, some of which can cause insomnia and other sleep disorders. People that exercise regularly are hospitalized less often and require less medical attention than people that do not exercise each week. There are many other benefits of regular exercise as well. Regular exercise can increase brain function, pump more oxygen through the body in the blood, and can increase the person’s reaction time. Regular exercise also strengthens the heart and lungs of the person reducing the risk of many serious health conditions, such as heart disease and pulmonary edema. Exercising regularly can make the mind and the body feel much better, especially if the person has not exercised regularly in the past. The exercise does not have to be difficult to be effective, as even dancing by yourself to the music on the radio can be an effective exercise and help you get to sleep at night. We all know that exercise is good for us but did you know that exercise helps you sleep? Learn more more insomnia and other sleep disorders:
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