Many people have trouble sleeping during the night and the cause could be one of a wide variety of different reasons. The lack of restful sleep can have a number of negative effects on the body and can reduce the brain’s function by a significant amount. Having trouble sleeping is a condition that affects people of all ages, from infants to senior citizens, regardless of race or sex. One of the biggest reasons that people have trouble sleeping is because of stress. When the mind or the body is stressed to a certain degree, the mind has trouble shutting down enough to get a good night’s sleep. The person may also awaken in the middle of the night and have difficulty falling back asleep because they are worrying about what may occur the next day or in the near future. Another common cause for people having trouble sleeping is an inability to fully relax when it is time to go to sleep. These people are often quite highly strung or constantly go a mile a minute during their day, making great accomplishments but training their body to respond to the pace that they are moving at throughout day can make it more difficult to fully relax and get restful sleep during the night. Many of these people turn to sleeping aids or relaxation rituals to help them get to sleep each night. Certain medications have the ability to affect a person’s quality of sleep, especially stimulants, amphetamines, and anti-depressant medications. These medications affect the chemical balance in the brain and one of the side effects of this chemical manipulation can be changed sleeping habits or an inability to get to sleep when tired. Often, stopping the medication or changing the dosage is enough for the person to return to their regular sleeping pattern. Having trouble sleeping for a long period of time can cause harmful effects to many different areas of the body. Sleepless nights affect the brain the most, slowing down the brain’s ability to react to external and internal stimuli and resulting in actions that resemble drunkenness or chemical intoxication. Studies have shown that people that are sleep impaired are more dangerous when driving than people that are legally drunk. There are many ways for a person to treat their trouble sleeping, often returning to normal sleeping habits within a matter of days. There are numerous types of sleep aids available to help people get to sleep and remain asleep throughout the night. The type of sleep aid chosen to help the person will depend on the reason for their sleeping difficulty, the severity of the situation, and what treatments the person is willing to use in order to correct the situation. Wouldn't you love to know why you're having trouble sleeping? Discover more about sleep and sleep disorders today -
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