Everywhere customer look, it seems like more and more people are carrying and sipping on bottles of water. Theme parks even sell shoulder holsters for customers to carry the bottle around with them. What’s with the water craze? And what's wrong with the good old water fountain? During the mid to late 1980s, the growth in use of bottled water began. Initially, bottled mineral waters were associated with wealth and glamour. But like many trends adopted by the wealthy (white bread, for instance), bottled water soon became desirable to a wider range of people. It is now estimated that Americans drink 5.9 billion gallons of bottled water each year! Carbonated soft drink consumption was a remarkable 54.2 gallons, but has been declining in recent years as bottled water sales continue to rise. Even the major soft drink companies have gotten into the bottled water delivery Milwaukee business as well, and now sell their own brands of bottled water. There are probably several factors fueling the growth of the bottled-water industry. Baby boomers are seeking natural, low-calorie beverages, and fitness consciousness has reemphasized the importance of hydration. Media reports of contamination of tap water in major metropolitan areas spark concerns about the safety and quality of tap water. Most Americans choose bottled water for what they think is not in it rather than for what it contains. From a nutritional perspective, it's important to drink plenty of fluids. Water is one of the best ways to replace lost fluids; and. at the simplest level, the source of water doesn't really matter. Standards for municipal water systems are enforced by the EPA which requires regular testing and monitoring. Tap water can be considered a safe, dean source of water. Many municipal water systems add fluoride to tap water, an important weapon in the prevention of tooth decay. However, home- installed filtration systems for removing chlorine may also remove added fluoride, and most bottled waters do not contain fluoride. Some people don't like the taste of their local water supply, and don't want to bother with maintaining a filtration system. In this case, or customer want bottled water may be the choice. The bottled water delivery Milwaukee industry offers high-volume, returnable containers from suppliers who stock the “water coolers" for offices or supermarkets; the familiar brands that are sold as alternatives to soft drinks; and bottled water in vending machines. The bottled-water industry is regulated by the FDA, published Standards of Identity for bottled water, set maximum allowable standards for contaminants, and established CGMP for bottling plants. Keep in mind that FDA regulates bottled waters that are sold interstate. Author Resource: The Author Jeson Clarke is conveying information about water delivery Milwaukee . You’re probably thinking, everyone says that, so, what’s different here. It’s the commitment of quality, genuineness, and a guarantee that values your time and interest.
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