Dry eyes occur out of a variety of reasons. They are not dangerous and they don’t jeopardize your health, but they can be terribly bothering. Home remedies for dry eyes are easy to use and they can increase your comfort. The easiest thing that you can do is to soak a clean cloth in some warm water and to apply it as a compress on your eyes. Warm water compresses are indeed effective home remedies for dry eyes, but tea compresses work even better. Apply them in the same way as you would apply water compresses. Tea also has antibacterial properties so it also helps avoiding potential infections. Most people consider that eye drops they can buy over the counter are effective home remedies for dry eyes. They are indeed, but in case the problem is serious, ointments are better. They are thicker and they remain on the eyes for long. However, they are best to be used in the evening because they can blur the vision. Castor oil and almond oil are among the best home remedies for dry eyes if they are applied on the area below the eyes. Their moisturizing properties are better than those of the most renowned eye products available on the market. Home remedies for dry eyes also include cucumbers. They are known as being effective in soothing tired eyes and they also work in solving the problem of dry eyes. All you have to do is to take two slices of fresh cucumber and apply them on your eyes. Home remedies for dry eyes can be made of more than just one ingredient. An effective remedy can be obtained by mixing tomato puree, lemon juice, turmeric powder and orange lentil flour. All these form a paste that has to be applied under the eyes in order to combat dryness. Lavender oil is good in dry eyes. It is also one of the easiest to use home remedies for dry eyes. Two drops of this oil have to be added to some water. Then use the water in order to apply compresses on your eyes. Make sure the cloth you soak in water is clean. Home remedies for dry eyes need to be combined with a few more tips to avoid dehydration of eyes. These include remembering to blink. Even if it sounds strange, people watching TV or working at the computer blink less often than normally, so they should take regular breaks in order to blink and to produce enough tears to protect the eyes. Read more Home Remedies for Dry Eyes. Also know Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Hands. Read about Home Remedies for Dry Feet.
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