The introduction of the famous Drupal CMS left the world amused with full of hopes and prospects. The current running Drupal7.x has proven a success to the larger market. However, there have been several worries raised as to the circumstantial hitches on the block menu in the Drupal CMS series. The development, theme team and the entire Drupal community have been able to overcome the issues successfully. This was handled in the release of Drupal 7.12 and Menu Block 2.3. This gives users a blank page in the site’s output. The process of updating the CMS has been tough but tremendous changes have been incremental to the good look of the CMS. The latest version of the Drupal CMS, Drupal 8, has been propelled by a couple of ideas ranging from innovativeness to the need for a more inclusive, comprehensive CMS. The updates were realized in the Drupal conference of the year 2012. Drupal 8’s Javascript (JS) is one of the breathtaking features of this CMS series. This change has brought about changes in the coding standards. All JS files are now to be checked for the coding standards and syntax through the JSHint. The change is an initial point of improving on the code, in the future days, has been welcomed with openness. The use of libraries is a formal, normal stature of Drupal CMS. Developers have thus been able to include two new libraries; backbone.js and underscore.js. This change comes with a number of issues attached: both friendly and new for the CMS users. The new libraries will be housed in the core/misc directory. This is a change which comes with a number of core initiatives. The backbone.js library enables one to use Javascript at the application level. On the other hand, underscore.js comes as a framework constituting a set of utilities which can be used together to make it easy for one to write Javascript. In Drupal 8, all JS files are differently handled. Unlike the previous Drual CMS versions, Drupal 8 has come up with new specifications regarding the inclusion of either jQuerry or any other Drupal JS’s libraries. Therefore, a hook_library_info call is necessary in defining the JS module to be used. The various items to be used are expected in the ‘global’ space in Drupal 8’s JS. Among the many changes to the Drupal 8’s JS advancements, there will be a module to handle ‘Community and Support’. This is a remarkable link that comes with the CMS. All your queries for your support page will be managed here through Javascript. Opinions from users and any other parties have been made now possible with a section for contribution being added. The use of Javascript on all the users’ sites has come as a sign of relief for most coders. The latest version of the Drupal CMS comes with new changes as far as Drupal Javascript module is concerned. It is now easy to manage real time functions and modules with the JS advancements, thanks to the new Drupal CMS JS changes. About the Author: This article is contributed by ValueCoders, specialized in CMS development, through which you can hire Drupal developer, WordPress developer, magento developer, etc. One can also hire Joomla programmers here for effective Joomla development services.
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