Vinyl composition tiles are a good quality tiles in terms of its composition and its preference in high traffic areas, reason being its low cost and easy maintenance. Vinyl composition tiles, commonly known as VCT, have become very common among commercial and institutional applications. Vinyl tiles are made of small chips of vinyl which are converted into thick solid sheets which vary in thickness the most common thickness being 1/8 inches. They are made into different thickness and shapes and sizes by the help of heat and pressure and are then cut into pieces of 12 inches each in a square shape. After all the process of preparing small vinyl tiles, they are then laid on a smooth leveled sub floor where an adhesive called “formulated vinyl” and the tile are then made to stick on the floor with the help of this adhesive. Though it is then not completely dry, but the tiles are still waxed and varnished using some special equipment. It is then when it is completely known as the “vinyl composition tiles”. BENEFITS OF VINYL COMPOSITION TILES - Low cost of maintenance- vinyl tiles have this quality of being tough against dust and other pollutants therefore those residing in high trafficking areas prefer vinyl tiles over any other flooring. Moreover it is easy to maintain and also is durable. In case these tiles are properly installed, one can easily remove them or replace it with a new one.
- Tough against abrasions and damage- vinyl tiles act tough against abrasion, because constant and repeated chemical stripping does not cause any damage to the tiles.
They are available in plenty of colors and also one can choose these tiles as per his /her choice and get the house get white washed accordingly. Vinyl tiles can be easily cut into decorative patterns assembled and put together, giving a royal look to your house. Asbestos tiles have been replaced by vinyl tiles in a very early stage when asbestos was used in tiles for schools, hospitals, offices etc. Lately when asbestos was considered to be hazardous, concept of vinyl composition tiles came into being. Therefore in case you are in need of perfect one time installation of tiles for your house there can be no other option other than that of vinyl composition tiles. They are easy to maintain and clean, moreover if chemically treated repeatedly they do not get damaged. So, the best one for you is here. Author Bio The Duncan Flawer is a professional writer about and he has written many popular articles on several websites related to Carpet San Carlos. He would love to grab your feedback about articles written by him.
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