LASIK is the abbreviation for Laser-assisted in situ keratomileiusis. LASIK surgery San Diego is the type of surgery which is used for correcting myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. The need of wearing glasses is completely removed by using this Lasik. A special designed laser is used in the surgery. The patients are given some anti-inflammatory eye drops after the surgery is done and before the surgery also the drops are used. After the surgery the patients are advised to wear dark pair of goggles so that their eyes are protected from the Sun. LASIK also offers a lot of advantages and the major advantage is that myopia is corrected as well as astigmatism. The laser used in the eye surgery San Diego US is guided by a computer so the results are very much successful. The patients who have decided to go through the surgery must be well aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of the process. The patients also do not need to spend a lot of time at the hospital after the surgery as the healing time required is also very less. The description about the Lasik procedure Talking about the pain the Lasik procedure does not involve any pain. It is completely painless. The average time taken by the doctors to complete the procedure is 8 to 10 minutes per eye. Sometimes both the eyes of the patients are done in the same sitting. The treatment is started by giving aesthetic drops in the eyes. Needles are not at all required in the surgery and complete relief of pain is provided by the drops. After all these steps the laser is applied to the eyes and this laser treatment is done for at least 20 minutes. After that the eyes will water heavily as the effect of the anesthesia will wear off. This is very irritating for the patients but within a day the patients will be absolutely fine. The recovery time of laser is seven days and for that duration the patients are given contact lens for their convenience. The things to ponder upon after the surgery The eye surgery San Diego US doctors have already mentioned that after the surgery some irritation is felt by the patients but this lasts for a few times. Itching is experienced by the patients but it is very important that you must not rub your eyes. For 24 to 48 hours proper care of the eyes must be taken. Some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory eye drops prescribed by the doctors must be used the patients after the surgery. This reduces the risk of swelling and occurring infection in the eyes. The healing period for Lasik surgery San Diego lasts for at least 2 months and during this time you must take proper care of your eyes by wearing glasses and by avoiding rubbing the eyes. About author: Advanced Eye & Laser Center of California, Inc. is proud to offer our patients the method of vision correction technology call LASEK or laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy.For detail visit
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