The clock is ticking and your testing time has started. “Testing! Ha, what?” No, no! You’re not being tested. In fact, it’s you who’ll be in the judging panel. Then who’s in the hot-seat? It’s DISH Network’s America’s Everything Package, of course! What everything? Why everything? Know everything about “everything” as this article brings you up close to the mega star among DISH digital TV packages. Competing in the digital market from 1997, never before has the second best satellite TV network in America been so appreciated and equally so criticized for its DISH digital TV packages. Time to realize its different aspects in a different light! Does America’s “Everything” has everything to stay a top A point of comparison is bound to rise when in competition. So what does the second in place DISH Network’s America’s Everything Package has to stay ahead than leading DirecTV? Punch a hole with the price – The normal price-listing of America’s “Everything” Pack is $119.99. Now, that doesn’t sound that much different from the DirecTV originals, does it? But what about, if the price were $84.99! Then it would be much lesser than most DirecTV packages. This is the price that is being offered by DISH Network for the package for first twelve months. The difference between DISH TV and DirecTV becomes more prominent considering the fact that America’s “Everything” Package is the sole package of the lot placed in the higher price band. DISH Network’s less prices and high discounts have always been its prima forte. It’s all about choice – DirecTV’s highest grading package ‘Premium’ offers about 285 channels in its vicinity while the DISH Network counterpart America’s Everything Pack offers about 320 channels at lesser the price. What’s more! This number does not include the number of local channels that are going to be added to the channel-list and that also free of cost. So goes DirecTV’s claim of beating DISH TV “hands down”! 70 SiriusXM music channels and 30 commercial-free channels add the cherry atop the cake of varied flavors. Steaming services – With both companies trying to woo their respective customers, the battleground for services is equally divided among the two competitors. DirecTV claims to provide specialized services for on the travel customers while DISH Network is more looking towards their in-house customer base. It is after all a TV connection. Then again, if you thought that DISH Network is increasingly becoming to compete in the technology market, think again! DISH Network Tailgater is the ultimate solution for on the travel people. The small portable satellite is a monster in terms of satellite TV connections. Whether it is an outdoor party or a gathering in a different locality, the puppy sized satellite receiver intercepts the signal from the nearest satellite to give the best HD quality picture for your occasion. There are though controversies shrouding the famed package. Dividing the discounts in two parts does seem a bit harsh considering that paperless billing options are yet to be popularized as convenient payment options. There are also divided sentiments about the excessive charges on the package during the second 12 month tenure of the agreement. Author Bio: Bob Brown, an ardent critic on films, discusses on the pros and cons of the new platform for movies – DISH digital TV packages for movies. With this package at your possession you can have a gala time watching a wide array of movies at your convenience.
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