Social Anxiety destroys your peace. Other people float through social situations so care-free. You're tied up in knots. Life doesn't have to be that way. You can find personal peace in a simple and effective way right there in the privacy of your home computer, laptop, iPad, or smart phone. Whether work, dating, restaurants, school functions, mass transportation, or just walking down the street, social anxiety can range from slight anxiety to sweaty palms and raising pulse rate to full blown panic. The irony is that you feel like you're the only person in the world who feels like you do. The facts are that millions of people share your anxiety. You typically feel that you are being judged by everyone around you and that you're going to come up short. You're insecure. You feel like you're going to be embarrassed or you're going to make a fool of yourself in front of people. Some students blush beet red when a teacher asks a question, even if they know the answer. Others are so shy around anybody other than best friends. Social anxiety explains why speech class is the most dreaded class in all academia. Social anxiety sufferers know that it doesn't take an actual threat to trigger anxiety; just the thought of a threat triggers the hormones. It doesn't even have to be a real-time event. You can become anxious again and again by remembering and dwelling on thoughts of past events real or imagined. You can become afraid to leave the house. You're so nervous about a job interview that you just don't go. You worry that your clothes are wrong or that your hair is mussed. Students will do a good report and then not turn it in because they think that the teacher won't like it or the class will laugh when you read it out loud. Socially anxious people don't make good decisions. They avoid things. They have off-the-wall thoughts that distract them from the task or distress them because of the task. They can't concentrate. They can't focus. They can't deal with the day-to-day of life. It's thinking that disables us with social anxiety. If our mind weren't churning, we would logically conclude by looking in the mirror that all is well and we can safely leave the house or move on with our day. It's the thinking that destroys us. So the simple solution is to stop the thinking. Right now, I want you to pause and think about a social situation that leaves you feeling really anxious. But DON'T dwell on it. Immediately say to yourself, out loud, "I'm not going to think about that." If it recurs, say it again, "I'm not going to think about that." You'll discover that the socially-anxious thought will go away. It will go away every time you demand that it go away. This solution is so simple that many people have trouble accepting it. The most effective way to handle negative thinking is to say to yourself, out loud, "I will not think about that." Do it as often as necessary and do it out loud, "I will not think about that." Someone said, "That's easier said than done." Not really. You have the innate authority to decide what you want to think about. If a thought makes you socially anxious, don't think that thought. It's your choice! As you make that choice again and again, your subconscious remembers how you like to respond and will start to make your response automatically. It's amazing how quickly this can happen. Furthermore, you were made with a subconscious mind that has over time formed the opinion that you like being socially anxious. Your subconscious tries to please you by giving you all the thoughts it can that make you anxious. The process of choosing not to dwell on those thoughts will, over time, convince your subconscious that you do not want to think about that those things anymore. It's this process that creates the habit of peace and breaks the habit of social anxiety. At some point, you won't even realize you are thinking socially-anxious thoughts because your subconscious is automatically responding to the thoughts before they become conscious thoughts. Nothing could be more effective than having your subconscious mind handle your social anxiety for you before you even consciously think about it. Resources you can use Help someone you love deal with your social anxiety simply and effectively. Learn more at You can use this idea for just about any negative emotion or habit that bothers you including social anxiety. I hope Finding Personal Peace helps you as much with your social anxiety as much as it helped me with my anger problem. Rod Peeks
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