If you’ve got stock to get rid of in a hurry, retail stock auctions may be just right for you. Letting you get rid of all your stock in one fell swoop they avoid you having to sell the items individually and possibly being left with far too much surplus stock at the end of it. Make selling easy with an auction.Retail stock auctions are a fairly simple concept. All the stock you no longer need, whether that’s because your business is closing, you need to get rid of seasonal items or you simply need to raise some cash quickly, will go up for sale at an auction. They may go up individually, in small groups of similar stock items or as one large sale of stock. The auction may take place at an auction house or you may be able to arrange for it to happen at your business premises if suitable. Interested buyers will assemble and place bids on the items. With retail stock auctions you’ll usually place a reserve on each item or group of items. A reserve is simply a price you would not be willing to go under. If you’re keen to get rid of your items then choose a low reserve which is hopefully easily met. As one buyer shouts the price they’re willing to pay other buyers jump in with higher prices until the highest bid wins and the items are sold to them. Remember – there’s no backing out of an auction once the final bid is placed so buyers and sellers think carefully before committing! If retail stock auctions sounds like the right selling option for you then it’s highly recommended to go through a professional auction company. They’ll know auctions inside out and be experts in arranging the logistics of one. A professional auction house will have skilled staff who can value items and suggest starting bids and reserves for you. Talented auctioneers will encourage the price to climb as high as possible on the day of the auction. A professional auctioneer company will also handle all the administration for you, arranging and promoting the time and place of the auction, taking refundable deposits from buyers before bidding starts and arranging for collection of all the sold items within appropriate timescales. Johnpye.co.uk are a corporate asset management company with over four decades of experience. They have arranged more auctions in one site than any other auction house in the UK and their expert team of auctioneers and valuers will ensure you make a healthy profit from your auction. Retail stock auctions by JohnPye.co.uk. Pay a visit to their website today if you're looking for auctioneers and valuers.
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retail stock auctions, auctioneers and valuers,