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Marketing is more effective when targeted to personality profiles - Ultra-clear Glass by grass lawn

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Marketing is more effective when targeted to personality profiles - Ultra-clear Glass by
Article Posted: 04/24/2013
Article Views: 42
Articles Written: 975
Word Count: 464
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Marketing is more effective when targeted to personality profiles - Ultra-clear Glass

Business,Business News,Business Opportunities
Even within a given demographic category, however, there are manyindividual differences, such as personality, that shape consumerbehavior. A new study in Psychological Science , a publication of the Association for Psychological Science,suggests that advertisements can be more effective when they aretailored to the unique personality profiles of potential consumers. "While persuasive messages are often targeted toward specificdemographic groups," says study author Jacob Hirsh, from theUniversity of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, "wewanted to see whether their effectiveness could be improved bytargeting personality characteristics that cut across demographiccategories." Hirsh and his co-authors Sonia Kang, also from the Rotman School ofManagement and the University of Toronto Mississauga, and GalenBodenhausen, from Northwestern University's Kellogg School ofManagement, recruited 324 individuals. They constructed fiveadvertisements for a cell phone, each designed to target one of thefive major trait domains of human personality: Extraversion,Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Opennessto Experience.

Each of these personality dimensions is associatedwith a unique motivational concern. For example, Agreeableindividuals tend to value a sense of belonging, compassion, andinterpersonal harmony, while Open individuals tend to valueintellectual and aesthetic pursuits. The advertisements featured a picture of the phone next to aparagraph of text that was changed in order to highlight themotivational concerns associated with each of the five personalitydimensions. For example, the advertisement tailored to extravertsincluded the line "With XPhone, you'll always be where theexcitement is," whereas for neurotics, the same line read,"Stay safe and secure with the XPhone." Participants were asked to rate the effectiveness of the ads withquestions like, "I find this advertisement to bepersuasive"; "this is an effective advertisement";and "I would purchase this product after seeing thisadvertisement." Participants were also asked to describe theirown characteristics on a personality questionnaire.

In every case,the advertisements were rated as more effective when they werealigned to match the participant's personality profile. Messagesthat compelled an extravert to buy the phone, for example, werevery different from those that appealed to conscientiousindividuals. "We were impressed by the range of motives that can be broughtto bear on a single object," Hirsh says. "Although theproduct itself was the same in each case, its subjective valuechanged dramatically depending on the personal motives wehighlighted in the advertisement." In 2012, nearly $530 billion will be spent on advertising aroundthe world. Whether promoting political candidates, consumerproducts, or sound health and investment behavior, these persuasivecommunications constitute a significant component of the globaleconomy.

As Hirsh points out, "This research has broadimplications for the development of tailored communicationstrategies across industries. Personality-based message design maybe useful not only for advertisers, but also for fostering anynumber of outcomes, from health promotion, to civic engagement, toenvironmental responsibility.".

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