The case isn't over. Legal experts anticipate an appeal by Ravi ofthe guilty verdict, even as prosecutors for the state of New Jersey may appeal the sentence. But already, the case has served as a showcase for the nation ofthe risks that arise when young people use social media as anintegral part of their lives, sometimes with little thought aboutthe potential toll on others, or the potential legal consequences. The case involved Ravi's use of a dorm-room webcam to spy on hisroommate's gay relationship while the two were freshman at Rutgersin the fall of 2010. The incident became a nationwide symbol ofdigital-age bullying because it involved Ravi's text messages tofriends and his public Twitter updates, and because the roommate committed suicide a few dayslater. Ravi was not charged with causing the death of Tyler Clementi, hisroommate. But a jury this year found Ravi guilty of 15 criminalcounts, including invasion of privacy, "biasintimidation," and obstructing justice after police beganinvestigating. Judge Glenn Berman opted for a middle-ground sentence, issuing whathe said were serious punishments for serious crimes, but stoppingshort of a lengthy prison term. Perhaps central to the relatively light 30-day jail time was this:Judge Berman made a point of noting that Ravi's actions, howeverreprehensible, were not violent and that neither he nor theprosecution was using the term "hate crime" to describethem. "I do not believe [the legislature] envisioned this type ofbehavior" when it passed the anti-bias statute at the heart ofthe case, Berman said. Berman said that his decision not to deport Ravi, who has Indiancitizenship although he has lived most of his life in America , was influenced by a statement by one of the victims in the case.The man known in the trial as "M.B.," whose privacy wasviolated along with Mr. Clementi's, said in a statement read in thecourtroom that he opposed deportation. Ravi chose not to speak prior to his sentencing. The judge, addressing Ravi, said "I haven't heard youapologize," and he said in a pre-sentencing letter Ravi hadapologized to Tyler Clementi and the Clementi family, but had notmentioned M.B. or the guilty verdicts regarding corruption of thejudicial process. The jury found Ravi guilty of witness tampering,lying to police, and deleting text messages and Twitter posts. Some advocates against bias crimes said Ravi's sentence was toolight. The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as Continuous Cast Billets Manufacturer , Steel Billet Casting, and more. For more , please visit Melting Induction Furnace today!
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