Recently, Jagex made a series of changes for players. You may think it is normal that Jagex updated for better gameplay. However, I want to tell you all ideas for these changes came from players’ tweaks and ideas from Runescape Facebook channel. In terms of this great change, I think it is really encourage players to come up with good idea if they hope good gameplay. Moreover, if Jagex take their opinions, they will think it is so humanized, which can attract more players to buy runescape accounts. Sometimes, you will think Runescape is really worthy of playing. I share some good ideas from players. Maybe they will arouse your creativeness. I don’t see why we have to jump into a portal to see how long until the next comes to start when we complete Castle Wars. There is a timer displayed at the top of your screen whilst in the Castle Wars lobby. It will be better if the timer displayed for the next game at Soul Wars. If you are snooping around in your bank for some more gear to play the minigame, it is easy that you miss the message from the NPC. It will be much preferable if a numeric keyboard shortcut can be added just by right clicking the menu options, which is similar to the functionality of the recent chat box change. There is a fairing ring in the north west of Varroak once we complete Ritual of A Mahjarrat. This really doesn’t make any sense with with the rubble blocking the path to it. Originally, you can still canoe into the wilderness though there is ruble blocking the canoe system west of this fairy ring in the river. How does a canoe fit pass through that bridge? I hope the gates separating the members’ wilderness and F2P wilderness can be returned as it is a liability to many if it's not there. If I buy runescape accounts I am willing to fight against members. If not, I will prefer to stay at F2P wilderness. Moreover, I can select whether go to P2P or F2P wilderness. Sometimes we want to level up Combat high for selling runescape accounts, and I have choice to do it. When we chose the easier route in Legends Quests, it will be better if you can get the Glowing Dagger. Some of us oldies did the quest in RSC, but it was much harder to do. And of course opted for the easy path, but now it seems we are forever punished from having the cool looking dagger. Perhaps it will be glad if Jagex can make it so breaking the barrels yields a Dark Dagger for everyone, and then simply killing the mage, regardless if we are done the quest or not, will make it glow? Accounts for sale runescape are really worthy if we can complete quest efficient. It will be more convenient if an option can be added to get Demonic Sigils back after Shadow of the Storm as they are kind of a fun item to have. I would like to the option that has been removed when Jagex repair the chipped home teleport tabs. When we successfully kill a monster, it will be pleased if the dead monsters can be removed automatically without closing current widows that was open. As now when we kill monsters, the dead animation is running and we need to open BoB inventory while the BoB inventory screen is closed once the dead monster vanishes. If the quick chart menu is currently open, I hope just pressing ESC and the current window (graphics options, beast of burden (BoB) inventory, bank window, graphics options, etc) can be closed. If you have any suggestion, you can post your idea, too.
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runescape, gameplay, Jagex, buy runescape accounts, rubble blocking, Dark Dagger,