As insignificant as it may sound but the impact of tooth positioner is profound. Most of the patients who have been treated for oral problems like malocclusion ignore the next but vital step of orthodontic treatment that requires them to wear a tooth positioner. It is like a mouthguard but is much more than that. This device actually makes it possible for the braces to be removed early than what is normal. But this is not their only implication. An even more important and crucial impact they have is preventing the newly aligned teeth from relapsing to their old positions. In other words, they help in straightening them properly than is possible with traditional braces. Those who have been fitted with clear braces do know what it takes to live with them. The effect they have on the normal life is not unbearable but at some point becomes irritating. Think how it will be like when you're not allowed to eat your favourite food item just because it might damage the braces? And this is not just for a few days or weeks. It stretches for months and even a year or two depending upon the condition. So, finally when the time to remove them arrives after enduring so much pain, who will want to face any further restriction? However, this is only one side of the picture. What if one doesn't wear tooth positioner as prescribed by the orthodontist? Well, the result will be you returning back to braces and needing them again to prevent the teeth from going back to their misaligned positions and then complete the treatment. To avoid this from happening, wearing them is a wise decision. They won't be in your mouth for long. For the first few days, they will be needed to be worn for like 24 hours a day involving clenching exercise as directed. After a week or so, the duration will recede and eventually after the orthodontist is satisfied, one can say goodbye to them as well. Clearpath provides 3d CAD/CAM aligners that have become a popular option in today's world to treat crowded teeth. They are popular because of their obvious advantages over traditional clear braces like - non-interference i.e. working without causing any significant impact on the daily life, flexibility i.e. since they're not fixed to the teeth it is actually possible to remove them as and when needed for activities like brushing, flossing or eating.
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