Most individuals fail to take optimum care of their eyes and tend to ignore eye problems, thinking that they will eventually disappear by themselves. However, the unpleasant truth is that this is not always the case and that eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataract, etc. may worsen in time. In addition, it often happens for eye symptoms to be indicative of other medical conditions; for instance, bulging eyes, lid retraction and corneal exposure may suggest the presence of graves disease, an autoimmune disease which affects the thyroid. With the passing of the years, our eyes are affected by the aging process and we gradually start to lose vision accuracy; this symptom is called macular degeneration and usually occurs in people over 65 years. The most frequent symptoms associated with macular degeneration are: difficulty in recognizing faces and blurred spots in the centre of the field of vision; in addition, most individuals affected by this medical condition may experience difficulties in adapting to low light levels and may feel the need for brighter light when they read or work at the computer. Although this condition cannot be reversed, the good news is that adequate treatment may prevent it from progressing; consequently, older people suffering from this problem should see an eye care professional who will recommend a treatment plan designed to reduce the likelihood of vision loss. As already mentioned, graves disease is a medical condition which affects primarily the thyroid, but which also has a negative effect on the eye, leading to optic nerve compression, corneal exposure, eye swelling, double vision or decreased vision; in the most advanced stages of the disease, it can even lead to vision loss. Patients should start immediate treatment of their eye symptoms during the active phase of the disease; if medical treatment does not produce the expected results, eye care professionals are likely to resort to surgery in order to bring the eye back to its normal state. We must mention the fact that graves disease requires long-term management and that patients with eye problems should not expect miracles; however, if they receive treatment from the very onset of the disease, they will be able to prevent optic nerve swelling and, implicitly, blindness. If you have noticed that your eyes become tired very fast, that you can no longer read under the reading lamp because the light is too dim, if your vision has started to lose its accuracy or clarity, it may be a good idea for you to go and see an eye care professional. He will conduct a thorough examination of your eyes, put a diagnosis and do everything in his power to make sure that your eyes will continue to efficiently serve you for many years to come. Getting medical help as soon as you realize that there may be something wrong with your vision will bring you numerous health benefits as far as your eye sight is concerned. For detailed and relevant information about graves disease, macular degeneration or other eye problems, please visit our website! Make an appointment with our experienced and well-trained eye care professionals now and we guarantee that you will be extremely pleased with the quality of their medical services and the high level of efficiency of their treatment plans!
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graves disease, macular degeneration,