MINNEAPOLIS, May 16, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Southern Wine &Spirits of Minnesota (SWS-MN) -- a joint venture of Southern Wine &Spirits of America, Inc. (Southern) and J.J. Taylor Companies, Inc.(J.J. Taylor) -- announces plans to expand their sales and servicecapabilities for their wine and spirits business. "Since its inception a mere two years ago, SWS-MN has achievedincredible success in attracting leading supplier portfolios aswell as acquiring leading distributorships such as World ClassWines and Quality Wine & Spirits Company," commented Wayne Chaplin,Southern's President & Chief Operating Officer. "In the interest ofenhancing the sales, marketing and distribution services thatSWS-MN provides to our retail customers and suppliers alike acrossthe State of Minnesota, we are taking a number of actions.Specifically, we will be investing in augmenting our resourcesdevoted to the joint venture, leading-edge sales enablement toolsand world-class logistics technologies. Also, we have rapidlyoutgrown our space at J.J. Taylor; therefore, we have begun thesearch for a dedicated, state-wide, state-of-the-art distributioncenter. We want to thank everyone at J.J. Taylor for their help ingetting us to this point so quickly." Adding to Chaplin's comments, John J. Taylor III, President & CEOof J.J. Taylor, said, "We are pleased with how rapidly our jointventure with Southern has ramped up in Minnesota, and congratulatethe SWS-MN team members for all their success and hard work overthe past two years. We are confident that we will continue toexpand our portfolios, grow our suppliers' brands and enhance ourcapabilities for both our suppliers and retail customers." Chaplin concluded, "Southern has an abundance of recent experienceand success in places like Indiana and the State of Washingtonwhere we have ramped-up state-of-the-art distribution facilitiesand networks in a matter of a few short months. We look forward toworking closely together with our J.J. Taylor partners to deploythese best practices in the great State of Minnesota." About Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc. Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc. is the nation's largestwine and spirits distributor and broker with operations in 35markets. The multi-state distributor currently operates in thefollowing markets: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado,Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, NewHampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon,Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington,West Virginia and Wyoming. In addition, Southern has a presence inMaryland and the District of Columbia through a joint venture withF.P. Winner Wine & Spirits as well as a joint venture operation inMinnesota with J.J. Taylor Distributing Company. Southern alsoholds operating licenses and permits in Nebraska and Texas. On anational basis, Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc. employsmore than 12,500 team members. For more information about Southern,see:. About J.J. Taylor Companies, Inc. J.J. Taylor Companies, Inc. is a leading malt beverage distributorfor Miller, Coors, Heineken, many craft, import and specialtybrands. J.J. Taylor was founded in 1958 by John J. "Joe" Taylor.Through the years the company has grown both internally and throughacquisitions under the leadership of Joe's son, John J. Taylor,III. Today, with operations in Minnesota and Florida, the companyis one of the top ten beer distributors in the United States. Formore information contact:. J.J. Taylor and Southern urge all retail customers and adultconsumers to market, sell, serve and enjoy their products responsibly. SOURCE: Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc. Copyright Business Wire 2012. I am an expert from sinteredndfebmagnets.com, while we provides the quality product, such as Linear Motor Assembly , Bonded Ferrite Magnet Manufacturer, Magnetic Attractor,and more.
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