Canon EF 35mm Lens are available as f/1.4L USM and f/2 and more or less are wide angle lens for Full-frame DSLR. They has difference in price and features. Both are Prime Lens and Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L USM is from Canon's L series. These two Canon EF 35mm Lens are for the professionals and are costlier than the Nifty Fifty Canon EF 50mm F/1.8 II; which proved to be the best cheap Prime Lens of that focal length category for DSLRs with APS-C sized sensor. Canon EF 35mm Lens : Targeted Users and Targeted Usages 35mm Lens in general are intended for the Full-frame DSLRs. Obviously Canon EF 35mm Lens can be mounted on Canon's DSLRs with APS-C sized sensor, but there will be definite crop factor present (1.6x crop) as well as some optical distortion can be expected. Canon EF 35mm Lens series are mostly used for group portraits, landscapes, photo journalism, wide angle photography, wedding photography. These are definitely for the high end experienced amateurs or professionals. Canon EF 35mm Lens : f/1.4L USM and f/2 Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L USM is from Canon's L series, it uses Aspherical Lens with 11 lens elements. The body is black, not white like L lens of higher focal length. Number of diaphragm blades are eight - which clearly shows why the bokeh produced is smoother. The handling of Lens is easier with used hands, autofocus is fast. The possibly well known feature of this lens is the damped rubber focus ring. Canon EF 35mm f/2 has USM and non USM version. However neither of them are among the L Lens group. The price of non USM version is almost quarter of the price of the 35mm f/1.4L USM Lens. This is definitely a good choice if you are a consumer grade user, considering that the number of diagram blades are 5, not 8. There is no difference in the viewing angle when compared with the L series of lower f number. Photo, Digital Photography, Computer and Internet To know more, please visit our website: "> Canon EF 35mm Lens are available as f/1.4L USM and f/2 and more or less are wide angle lens for Full-frame DSLR. They has difference in price and features. Both are Prime Lens and Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L USM is from Canon's L series. These two Canon EF 35mm Lens are for the professionals and are costlier than the Nifty Fifty Canon EF 50mm F/1.8 II; which proved to be the best cheap Prime Lens of that focal length category for DSLRs with APS-C sized sensor. Canon EF 35mm Lens : Targeted Users and Targeted Usages 35mm Lens in general are intended for the Full-frame DSLRs. Obviously Canon EF 35mm Lens can be mounted on Canon's DSLRs with APS-C sized sensor, but there will be definite crop factor present (1.6x crop) as well as some optical distortion can be expected. Canon EF 35mm Lens series are mostly used for group portraits, landscapes, photo journalism, wide angle photography, wedding photography. These are definitely for the high end experienced amateurs or professionals. Canon EF 35mm Lens : f/1.4L USM and f/2 Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L USM is from Canon's L series, it uses Aspherical Lens with 11 lens elements. The body is black, not white like L lens of higher focal length. Number of diaphragm blades are eight - which clearly shows why the bokeh produced is smoother. The handling of Lens is easier with used hands, autofocus is fast. The possibly well known feature of this lens is the damped rubber focus ring. Canon EF 35mm f/2 has USM and non USM version. However neither of them are among the L Lens group. The price of non USM version is almost quarter of the price of the 35mm f/1.4L USM Lens. This is definitely a good choice if you are a consumer grade user, considering that the number of diagram blades are 5, not 8. There is no difference in the viewing angle when compared with the L series of lower f number. Photo, Digital Photography, Computer and Internet To know more, please visit our website:
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