Despite their differences over how todrag Europe out of its current economic swamp, German and Frenchleaders pledged to make joint effort to reinvigorate growth in thecontinent during their first meeting on Tuesday. "We share the responsibility for a good development in Europe and Ithink we will find solutions for individual problems in thisspirit," German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a joint newsconference. She made an effort to downplay the differences between her and theFrench left-wing new president Francois Hollande, who took officejust hours ago. The high-profile visit, which was Hollande's first diplomatic trip,was overshadowed by storm that forced his plane to return toVillacoublay military airport, apart from mounting internationalpressure of a potential Greek eurozone exit. Earlier in the day, the final critical talks among Greek partyleaders over the formation of a national unity government to leadGreece after the May 6 parliamentary elections collapsed, with thedebt-ridden country heading to fresh polls in June. However, leaders of the eurozone's two largest economies expressedtheir wish for Greece to stay in the single currency bloc. "We want Greece to stay in the euro," said Merkel, adding thatGermany and France were prepared "to study the possibility ofadditional growth measures in Greece" if Athens said they neededthem. Hollande echoed Merkel's opinion, while promoting a growth-drivenstrategy which was at core of his presidential campaign. "I hope that we can say to the Greeks that Europe is ready to addmeasures to help growth and support economic activity so that thereis a return to growth in Greece," Hollande said. Calling the French-Germany ties as "balanced" and "respectful",Hollande said that "everything should be put on the table" at theforthcoming informal summit of EU leaders in Brussels due on May23. In addition, Hollande also affirmed his wish for a renegotiation ofthe EU fiscal pact. "I said it during my election campaign and Isay it again now as president that I want to renegotiate what hasbeen agreed to include a growth dimension." Though remained opposed to any change of the EU fiscal pact, whichhas been ratified in several of EU member states, Merkel made it apoint to send a signal of unity. "Growth has to feed through to the people. And that's why I'm happythat we'll discuss different ideas on how to achieve growth,"Merkel said. Following the visit to Germany, Hollande is due to fly toWashington later in the week to meet U.S. President Barack Obama atthe G8 meeting scheduled for May 18-19 at Camp David of the U.S.presidential retreat, as well as NATO summit in Chicago on May20-21. I am an expert from, while we provides the quality product, such as Led Rechargeable Flashlights Manufacturer , Mine Safety Lamp Manufacturer, Mine Safety Lamp,and more.
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