Today, PHP is of the most popular web development languages in the world with over twenty million domains in the web using PHP web development techniques. Also many open source web development frameworks such as WordPress and Drupal have also used PHP. There has been a tremendous growth in the web development field with most web development companies setting up their base. Many frameworks and tools have also been built to aid in the PHP development. However, most offshore PHP developers have still a long way to go when it comes to effective development. Here are a few tips that can help you in making the PHP development process effective: 1.Use PHP framework: Using PHP framework will provide for standardization of code and thus you will achieve faster development process. Though using the simple PHP is a little faster than using the framework, it leads to writing of bad code which ends up making the entire development process complicated. 2.Keep a collection of code snippets and reuse: Always utilize same scripts and strings again and again. Save your scripts for future use as most often you may that you can use them for other projects by just making requisite changes. This will not only save you time but also money and make your development process effective too. 3.Use good updated Text-Editors: Use higher text editors other than notepad as they allow for more efficient and faster programming as they provide code hints, code navigation and also come with built in debugging tools. 4.Use proper PHP functions and codes: Always write functions, classes and all other codes in an understandable form. Avoiding having clumsy and over bundled code. Also avoid writing too many comments as they make the program bulky. 5.Develop for all kinds of users: While developing any web application have in mind that it can be used by all sorts of users and thus it should be an application that does not make the website unstable and it remains always secure. 6.Use code versioning system: There code versioning systems that are available for versioning lines of codes that are used in more than one system or by more than one programmer in cases where the live and development version are different. Using them will help you in understanding codes easily and they also save you time 7.Have proper build logic: Design logic and code logic should be separated properly to avoid little changes in the design to necessitate code changes. There are various tools available to help in separating different web logics. 8.Use professionals: You cannot achieve quick and effective PHP development without involving professional and reliable PHP programmers. Always chose programmers with good experience and proper knowledge so as to avoid ending up with wrong code and wastage of time. 9.Use PHP for web development only: It has been built for building web solutions and thus do not use it for every problem. 10.Keep up with PHP Programming updates: Like many other programming languages, PHP is also evolving. New functions or code are daily being added to the library and as a programmer you should keep up with all these updates. This article is contributed by ValueCoders, a web/mobile development company through which you can hire PHP developers, HTML developers and .Net developers. One can also hire WordPress developer here for effective WordPress development.
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