Retail stores on the high street are a firm favourite for many people, but they really shouldn't be anymore. Some people will just say that there is nothing better than actually getting out there and touching and feeling the items that they want to buy. Others might disagree and say that something that is better than this is actually getting the items that they want to buy at the lowest prices possible. This is something that can be achieved online by using unique bid auctions for example or other online stores, but not really by visiting the high street. So, when is the high street the cheapest option? Online shopping is not always going to be the cheapest option. The reality is that many high street stores have two things that not all online sites have. They have the ability to buy in huge bulk. What this means is that when it comes to end of year sales, particular items might actually be cheaper on the high street, than they are on the online stores. These items tend to be those that have not sold particularly well and therefore, it makes sense that they are going to be much cheaper. Online stores have not bothered to stock them as they know that there are much better products available. So, when are online stores and auction sites the cheapest option? These usually come into play when we are talking about the most expensive and technical products. For instance, when a new mobile phone is released, expect to pay a few hundred pounds in a store. The exact same phone could be around half the price or less from an online supplier. Unique bid auction sites are where it gets really exciting, with the right strategy in place, people can find themselves getting deals on products that are 90% below the RRP. So a phone that should be costing them a few hundred pounds could actually be costing them just a couple of pounds. This is the type of saving that never occurs on the high street with brand new products that are currently in fashion. How can unique bid auctions be so cheap? The answer is fairly simple, although most people do not realise this, which is why they think these websites are too good to be true. Think of it like this, a high street retailer finds a product, buys it, puts their mark up on it and sells it at a higher price. A unique bid auctions site creates credits, they sell them, and then offer people a product in exchange for these credits. They make sure that they are in profit before giving away a product. So in the long run, the consumer gets massive discounts and the auction website also makes a profit, making it a win win situation. Conclusion. Although there is still a place for high street retailers, it is getting increasingly smaller. In fact, their place in the current market is actually getting smaller and smaller by the day, which is evident by the number of well known high street brands going out of business. Within the next couple of years, there is no doubt that the likes of online stores and new innovative shopping concepts like unique bid auction sites will have taken over completely. More and more people are doing their shopping online. There are many new innovative websites that strive to make online shopping more exciting for consumers such as unique bid auction sites.
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