Every person is very alert about his health. Almost every people go to gym, health club and who don't go there. they take healthy diet or go for morning or evening walk but all people want to stay healthy. We may be in the third millennium, medical advances have beautiful being what they are, it is clear that diseases are not treated the same way if the patient is a man or a woman. While some diseases differentially affect men and women, and even the treatments may have different effects depending on whether the person taking them is male or female, medical research, we must admit , privileged men (Caucasian type as well). Most studies are conducted effect on them, women seem to be considered by researchers as an extension which assumes treatment effects. A new scientific article has yet to confirm that gender differences do exist and should be further considered for scientific research, medicine and treatments. This article will help you to find some types of disease which are treated in a different manner. So these 5 areas where the differences are obvious- 1. Cardiovascular disease: considered typically male, cardiovascular disease occur yet differently depending on whether it is a man or a woman. While the signs that suggest a heart attack humans are chest pain that radiates to the left arm, in women, there is nausea and pain in the lower abdomen. And as these symptoms are less evocative, even doctors easily pass side. Result, women do not receive the necessary follow-up examinations useful as an electrocardiogram or coronary angiography. Knowing that these cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke mainly) are the majority killer among both men and women (before cancer so), it is surprising that it is not interested more in the heart of women. 2. Cancer: Did you know that women and men do not react the same way to chemotherapy, especially against colon cancer, lung, or skin? What, one might expect an effect on survival ... And for colon cancer in particular, it is interesting to know, especially for doctors, he said later in women, but also in different parts of the large intestine. 3. Liver disease: first there is primary biliary cirrhosis is a disease that particularly affects women as well as hepatitis C. And like many diseases, it is not uncommon for studies of diseases are mostly women as subjects. men! 4. Osteoporosis: About this diseases we made the connection with the preceding comment. While this disease affects primarily women, and some men, the research focuses disproportionately on them. 5. Drugs: and yes, men and women react differently to drugs. For example, the simple aspirin. Differences in efficacy or side effects are due to differences in reaction time, elimination, hormonal differences. To do well and to ensure safe and effective medication, it would require that doctors take into account the sex of their patients! Gender equality is not yet won health, but some article like this have the advantage of advancing the scientific world in the right direction. Find a Doctor
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