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The notice on hosting the 1st photo exhibition "we lovechangchun" for chinese and foreign amateur p by e55he swrzsnb

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The notice on hosting the 1st photo exhibition "we lovechangchun" for chinese and foreign amateur p by
Article Posted: 03/26/2013
Article Views: 250
Articles Written: 2033
Word Count: 589
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The notice on hosting the 1st photo exhibition "we lovechangchun" for chinese and foreign amateur p

Business,Business News,Business Opportunities
The Notice on Hosting the 1st Photo Exhibition We LoveChangchun for Chinese and Foreign Amateur Photographers The Foreign (Overseas Chinese) Affairs Office of ChangchunMunicipal People s Government October 10, 2011 To all higher learning institutions, public institutions andenterprises in Changchun: In order to enrich the community culture for foreigners inChangchun, help get the corporate culture and enterprise imagebetter involved in the city and its economic development, andprovide a platform on which Chinese and foreign amateurphotographers can show their artistic talents, the Foreign(Overseas Chinese) Affairs Office (hereinafter referred to asCCFAO) of Changchun Municipal People s Government is planning tohold the 1st Photo Exhibition We Love Changchun for Chinese andForeign Amateur Photographers in October 2012. The themes of the pictures include social and humanistic custom,urban architecture, and natural landscape, historical or culturalheritage taken by the Chinese or foreigners from the perspective oftheir life, study or work in Changchun or other perspectives alike.Some quality pictures will be selected to the special columns WeLove Changchun in five languages English, Japanese, Russian,Korean and Chinese on the website of CCFAO. In addition,exhibitions of the selected pictures will be held and the winnerswill receive certificates and souvenirs from Changchun MunicipalPeople s Government and CCFAO. See picture requirements and participation methods in Conditions ofParticipation.

Your participation and support to make this event possible will begreatly appreciated. Thank you! Appendix: Conditions of Participation Contact Person: Zhang Ke Contact Number: 0431-88776745 For details, please visit the following websites: I. The Website of Changchun Municipal People sGovernment l l l l l II. The Website of Changchun Friends l Conditions of Participation 1. Eligibility for Participation Foreigners working as experts, technicians and managerial staffmembers in Sino-foreign joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperativeenterprises or foreign-invested enterprises in Changchun; staffmembers of offices or representative institutions of governmentalinstitutions (nongovernmental originations) of other countries inChangchun; international students or foreign teachers studying orworking in education institutions of Changchun; foreigners doingbusiness or working in different sectors in Changchun; and familymembers of the foreigners studying or working in Changchun arewelcome to participate in the event.

2. No limitations to picture forms and styles, but others pictures used for the purpose of participating in the event will berefused. Each and every participant is allowed to submit three tofive of his or her own pictures (digital format JPEG or GIF,1MB-4MB in size) with name and contact information to from October 2011 to September 2012. 3.

All participants shall agree that the sponsor and/or theorganizer of the event have/has the right to use the selectedpictures for this event and other activities for nonprofitpublicity purpose, and the sponsor and/or the organizer do/does notneed to pay participants remuneration or keep participants informedfor such purpose. 4. Any legal disputes over copyright, portrait right, right ofreputation or other legal rights shall be settled by theparticipant himself/herself. 5. The lists of the names of participants and the selected pictureswill be issued by Changchun Municipal People s Government underthe special columns of its website.

And all selected pictures willbe collected by the organizing committee of the event. 6. Chinese and foreign experts will be invited by the sponsor toselect the pictures. Each and every participant will receive acertificate and a souvenir after his or her picture is selected. 7.

The final right of interpretation of this event is reserved bythe sponsor.

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