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Greater decrease in ldl levels found in diets combiningcholesterol-lowering foods than in low satur by e55he swrzsnb

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Greater decrease in ldl levels found in diets combiningcholesterol-lowering foods than in low satur by
Article Posted: 03/19/2013
Article Views: 77
Articles Written: 2033
Word Count: 609
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Greater decrease in ldl levels found in diets combiningcholesterol-lowering foods than in low satur

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A new study, published in the August 24/31 issue of JAMA , has found that a diet combining foods with cholesterol-loweringproperties can reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) more effectively than a low saturated fat diet. Two groups of people with high cholesterol were studied over acourse of 6 months, one group was counseled to follow a dietconsisting of cholesterol-lowering foods, such as nuts, plantsterols and soy protein, whilst the other group was counseled tofollow a low-saturated fat diet. What they found was that the groupfollowing a diet combining cholesterol-lowering foods achieved agreater reduction in levels of LDL-C. There has been a lot of focus on reducing serum cholesterol levelsamong individuals through enhancing conventional dietary therapy byincluding a combination of foods that contain cholesterol-loweringproperties.

However, there hadn't been any assessment that comparedthe long-term health effects of conventional dietary advice toadvice introducing cholesterol-lowering foods. A multi-center trial was conducted by David J. A. Jenkins, M.D.,and his colleagues of St. Michael's Hospital and the University ofToronto, to see if the advice of following a dietary portfolio madeup of foods considered effective - by the standard of the U.S.

Foodand Drug Administration - at reducing levels of serum cholesterol,would achieve better levels of LDL-C reduction than a control dietat a 6-month follow up. An emphasis on high fiber and whole grains was made in the controldiet, compared to the portfolio diet which included soy protein,plant sterols, nuts, and viscous fibers. The study was made across4 academic centers in Canada (Vancouver, Winnipeg, Quebec City, andToronto) with 351 participants, all with hyperlipidemia, who wererandomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments between June 2007 andFebruary 2009. The participants received dietary advice over the course of 6months; the control group was assigned a low-saturated fattherapeutic diet whilst the other two groups received either aroutine or intensive dietary portfolio, the difference between thetwo being the frequency at which counseling was delivered.

Theintensive dietary portfolio had 7 clinic visits over 6 months,compared to the routine portfolio which only involved 2 clinicvisits. The overall attrition rate of 345 participants in the modifiedintent-to-treat analysis didn't vary that much between thedifferent types of treatment, a rate of 26 percent for the control,23 percent for the routine dietary portfolio and 18 percent for theintensive dietary portfolio. The change in the levels of LDL-C over the course of 24 weeks werefound to be -3.0 percent or -8 mg/dL in the control diet, -13.1percent or -24 mg/dL in the routine dietary portfolio and -13.8percent or -26 mg/dL for the intensive dietary portfolio. The authors noted that the: "Percentage LDL-C reductions for each dietary portfolio weresignificantly more than the control diet. The 2 dietary portfoliointerventions did not differ significantly.

Among participantsrandomized to one of the dietary portfolio interventions,percentage reduction in LDL-C on the dietary portfolio wasassociated with dietary adherence." They also added: "In conclusion, this study indicated the potential value of usingrecognized cholesterol-lowering foods in combination. We believethis approach has clinical application. A meaningful 13 percentLDL-C reduction can be obtained after only 2 clinic visits ofapproximately 60-and 40-minute sessions. The limited 3 percentLDL-C reduction observed in the conventional diet is likely toreflect the adequacy of the baseline diet and therefore suggeststhat larger absolute reductions in LDL-C may be observed when thedietary portfolio is prescribed to patients with diets morereflective of the general population." Written by Joseph Nordqvist Copyright: Medical News Today Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today Additional References Citations.

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