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Strep Throat: Not Only A Disease But Also A Cause Of Big Ones by anuj singal

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Strep Throat: Not Only A Disease But Also A Cause Of Big Ones by
Article Posted: 03/12/2013
Article Views: 1591
Articles Written: 3
Word Count: 569
Article Votes: 11
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Strep Throat: Not Only A Disease But Also A Cause Of Big Ones


Strep Throat: Not only a Disease but also a Cause of big ones

Strep Throat is not only a disease, but a disease which can cause a big disease; it is one of many causes of sore throat and throat infection. It is the most common bacterial infection of the throat. It can affect people of any ages but it affects children more than adolescents. It has different signs and symptoms depending upon the ages of people. Generally many people make a mistake by thinking sore throat and strep throat the same disease. Interchangeably using this is totally wrong, one is a disease and another one is considered the cause of disease than only a disease. It generally attacks the 5-15 years of age but it also affects the adolescents where the ratio of its attacking contains more children than adolescents.

Causes Generally Strep throat is occurred by contagious strep bacteria and can cause numbness of symptoms like inflammation of throat and its surrounding structures. As a contagious disease, it may spread through by person to person if two people; one is infected come closer and has close contact with nasal secretions or saliva in many forms like airborne droplets when the person sneezes or share drinks and foods. Anyone can be infected even if they touch each other or touch the thing which is already touched by the infected.

Symptoms: General symptom of strep throat is fever. It can be seen within 1-4 days of infection and it may increase from mild to severe. Many other diseases can attack by the time parallel like sore throat, headache, fatigue etc. Apart from fever, various types of headache may attack which makes the throat infection worse and makes the patient more weak both physically and mentally. Scarlet fever like rash may show up in the body which is very embarrassing as it looks ugly on the body. Sudden fatigue may surround you which are not for other reasons but for the disease. Stomach ache is another symptom of strep throat which is very hard to tolerate and a barrier to take food to digest drugs of the disease. Generally people want to be known about the visible symptom of any disease. Visible symptom of strep throat is, few swollen lymph nodes in the neck which are hard to be identified by the people themselves if the Doctor doesn’t help them to locate. Finally, the common nausea and vomiting are symptoms of this disease. Severe nasal infection and vomiting whenever the patient tries to eat something to really make the patient very feeble to fight against the disease.

Treatment and prevention: The treatment should be started immediately after its diagnosis as in the long term; it can damage important parts of your health like kidney damage, heart valve damage, rheumatic fever which directs to swollen joints of your body. The General treatment of strep throat usually starts with Antibiotic treatment, which is suggested to prevent rare complications like rheumatic fever. For adolescents, the doctors suggest to have an antibiotic course of drugs of course different for the adolescents and the children mainly for reducing duration and severity of symptoms first and also to reduce the risk of it spreading to other areas. Effective prevention measures should be taken like to avoid the infected person, avoid having close contact with the infected person or avoiding infected usual stuffs. visit

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