A vacation is meant for relaxation when you can put your feet up, unwind and enjoy yourself without having to worry about the stresses of daily life. However, if you are a pet owner, then a major consideration before you go on holiday is where you can keep your pet safe and comfortable while you are away. It is not always feasible to take your pet along with you, especially when you go overseas, so you always need to be on the lookout for a reliable person to take care of your pet when you are away. Another alternative is to find Pet Boarding kennels or in-home dog boarding, which is increasingly becoming popular nowadays. Boarding kennels offer a suitable option for keeping dogs in the care of reliable people. But since your dog will be boarded with other dogs, it might not get the customized attention which can be provided at home. A better option would be in-home Pet Boarding. There are several advantages of in-home boarding of pets. It provides your pet a kennel-free boarding with enough space to move about. This also ensures a reduced exposure to diseases such as colds and cough, which your dog can easily contract when boarded with other dogs at a boarding kennel. Besides, it is also a more affordable option. In-home boarding offers twenty-four hour care by a trustworthy and reliable dog-watcher. Your pet will not only enjoy customized attention, but will also be exercised regularly, taken for daily walks to the dog park, and provided the opportunity to play with other dogs in the house. In-home boarding of pets also provides the pets the opportunity to follow a regular regimen in the form of meal times, grooming, bathroom breaks, and daily exercises. Apart from the advantages already listed above, in-home Pet Boarding can also provide the services of a professional trainer for dogs and can range from a small apartment for a small dog such as a Chihuahua to a sprawling house for a large dog such as a Saint Bernard. While boarding kennels board a number of dogs together and keep them mostly in cages or in areas with little supervision; in-home boarding provides a more caring and personalized touch. As a pet owner, you have the ample opportunity to choose the home that your dog can be boarded in. This will also give you the chance to get a home in the same geographic area and also meet and talk to potential dog sitters and acquaint them with your pet’s habits, routines and types of meals. In-home boarding for your dog is a great way to make sure that your pet is safe while you are away on vacation or are travelling on work. However, while selecting a home for your dog to stay in, make sure that you select a responsible and reliable dog sitter who will keep your dog safe and comfortable while you enjoy peace of mind on holiday. To know more about www.homesteadkennels.com.au and to gain some insightful knowledge on Boarding Kennels then please Click Here This content has been taken from http://homesteadkennelscomau.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/the-advantages-of-in-home-pet-boarding/
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