It is really a matter of concern when you have to give a gift to an artist. Although there is a myriad of option that you can choose from, yet taking a decision is a tough job. We often get confused what could be the best gift for him/her, or whether he/she will like it. We usually want to make the gift creative and innovative for an artist, but while doing so, we at times pick up some wrong item. However, here I will be going to discuss some of the gift ideas, so that it becomes easier for you to pick a nice gift item for an artist. Acrylic mediums: Acrylic mediums are one of the great gift ideas for an artist. When buying this gift, you do not have to worry about the fact whether they already have it or not. Chances are, if they already have the item, they will be happy to receive more. On the other hand, if they do not have an acrylic medium, they will most likely relish the chance of working with a new medium. The most popular brands of acrylic mediums that you can choose from are – Liquitex and Golden. Useful acrylic mediums that you can buy for an artist include matte gel, retarder or slow-dri medium, flow aid, and blending fluid. Some fun acrylic mediums include flexible molding paste, string gel, fabric medium, and black lava. Airbrush: Airbrush could also be another great gift idea for an artist, especially who is interested in commercial art, architecture, vehicle renderings, murals and many other applications. There are four main types of airbrush that you can choose from – single action airbrush, double action airbrush, bottom feed airbrush and gravity feed airbrush. Digital photography books: Giving digital photography books to an artist is a great gift idea. Here is a list of digital photography books that you can choose from – • The Moment in Clicks • The Man, The Image & The World: A Retrospective • Workers • The Photographic Essay • The Camera as Conscience • This is War. If you are looking for photography books for beginners, then consider the following – • The Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby • Better Photo Basics: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Taking Photos Like a Pro by Jim Miotke • How to Photograph Absolutely Everything: Successful Pictures from your Digital Camera by Tom Ang. • Exposure Photo Workshop: Develop Your Digital Photography Talent by Jeff Wignall. Paint brush: Of course, paint brush would be the ideal gift option for any artist. Paint brushes are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and types. There are eight main types of paint brushes – round, pointed round, flat, bright, filbert, angular flat, fan, and detail round. While brushes with pointed and round bristles are good for sketching, outlining, detailed work, controlled washes and filling in small areas, brushes with flat bristles are good for bold strokes, washes, filling wide spaces and impasto. Author’s bio: Rickey is a renowned author, who has written plenty of articles on how to choose gifts for an artist, innovative gift idea for an artist,tips to buy gifts online, how to choose photography books for beginners. For more information about Digital photography books please move on
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