Google Glass: The Future of Technology Google Glass is on its way to being an amazing invention. People wish for a way to record what their eyes see all the time, and now Google goes out and shows a video for something that does that, plus many (or even all perhaps) of the functions of your smartphone? This is only the testing phase! Imagine if they came onto the market, and what kind of implications that would bring. People can drive and talk on the phone, go walk or bike, ride the train, or anything else, and still be connected to everyone they know! They're going to take the world by storm with this technology if it can be made affordable. Plus, whenever you shoot video, you can always see the camera and what it's recording. They have some preview videos, featuring a baby and mother connecting: A fashion show/sneak peek into a designer's life: A skydiving trip: And finally, a day in the life of someone with Google Glass: Words cannot describe the amazing things going on at Google right now. They have a cloud just like Apple called Google Drive, Google Car, which is a totally self-driving car aimed at giving cognitively disabled people an independent mode of quick and safe transportation. Imagine what a normal person could do with a car like this. They could get ready for work, shave, tie their tie, and eat,all on the way to work. An intoxicated person who has been out dancing or hanging out at a bar or something can get home with no problems, thanks to this car. Plus, Google Car and Google Glass will link up with Google Maps, and drive you wherever you need to go without touching anything. Just say "Glass, take my Car back Home." It will take you there. You can even set Google Glass to record the entire trip home, if you're curious enough. however, as always, I'll keep you updated on new material and perhaps older stuff that I have stumbled upon. This is the future of technology. What do you think? Tell me in the comments about every part of your opinion on Google Glass, I want to hear them! Also, make sure you view my profile and click the link to find out how to become richer than President Obama! Cheers, Bill P.S. There's another video called "How It Feels" through Glass, and it's the best one yet. It wouldn't work on here, so here's a link:
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