With more than 70000 hotel rooms in Central London alone, it would be safe to say that this city is well prepared to handle huge crowds. That is why, even in peak season, where thousands come to London every hour; there is never a shortage of hotels in London. London has not always been this way. In the 18th century and even till the beginning of the 19th century, there were hardly any hotels to speak of. At this time there were only private lodgings and guest houses that were used to accommodate guests, otherwise people preferred renting a house to spend their time in the city. The lack of hotels can be associated with the low number of foreign tourists arriving here, low in comparison to the tourist population of the present day. As the world around grew, both in population and means of travel, increasing number of people started arriving in London. And since then, there has been a gradual increase in the number of tourists that land on London’s surface, every year. Most came for business and some for leisure. Nowadays there are almost equal numbers of businessmen and leisure travellers on the streets. With growing tourist population and with the help of popular world events like the Olympics, the number of accommodations in London, increased manifold. This increase was not only in the ‘5 star’ category, but gradually different categories were introduced, which proved to be an effective solution to popular demand and requirement of affordable and comfortable lodging. Many of those 70000+ hotel rooms in Central London belong to 4 star hotels. Traditionally, hotels in London are smaller in capacity than hotels in other mega-cities of the world. Even the best of 5 star or 4 star hotel London will not have more than 500 rooms in Central London. But these hotels clearly defy the notion of ‘bigger the better’ as they are ranked among best in the world and some of the costliest hotels of the world list too. The best thing about these hotels is not their capacity; it is the quality of service and an overall experience that they provide like giving a host of services to the guests, in-room amenities, humble well trained and multi-lingual staff and in case of certain hotels, a lot of discounts and benefits. Renting a 4 star hotel London is probably the best way to enjoy a pampered stay without spending a lot of money, because these establishments offer almost as many amenities and comfort as the 5 star hotels and charge pretty less per night. Choosing one out of so many hotels can be a really tricky thing so you should always look for three things in a hotel, central location, basic amenities and variety of accommodation options. Additional amenities can be availed by going for packaged deals which are also a great way of customizing your stay. If you do not want to depend entirely upon your own judgment, take the help of online travel guides and read user reviews before heading towards the advance purchase section of the website. You can find all the information you need about a good 4 star hotel London on http://www.grandroyalelondon.co.uk/ Take a good look at the accommodations and deals on offer to get a good idea about hotels in this locality.
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