A flashlight or a torch as we all know is a handheld, easy to carry and portable ,electrically powered source of light that can also work with batteries. A most commonly used flashlight comprises of a light bulb that is vaulted in a light reflector, a lens to secure the light source and its reflector, a battery and a switch to turn it on and off. More often, the source of light for such torches or flashlights is an incandescent light bulb or light emetting diode. The very first leap taken to produce this amazing and handy technology ,the first battery powered flashlight was around the end of 1890’s.However, technologies have now enhanced and changed to a whole new level. Now, in the world of technologies ,those battery-powered torches have been replaced by the incandescent lamps or light emitting diodes (LED) which work on rechargeable and disposable batteries. As more and more researches are being made and technologies are improving day by day, things that we used in the past too are being replaced by something much better and exceptional. The incandescent bulbs in daily used flashlights too have been replaced by the LED flashlights i.e powerful white ‘light emitting diodes. We all are well aware of the existence of LEDs that mainly are known for its low-power indicator lights. A LED flashlight is made in such a technical way that its diodes ( i.e two terminal electronic component with disproportionate transfer characteristics) control to restrain the current. A two-celled flashlight provides higher voltage by using a boost convertor for white LED i.e approximately 3.4 volts to remain in action. For other flashlights LEDs are used to balance out the light output electronically. Regardless of the input current, a stable and regularized colour temperature is maintained. On the other hand, the colour temperature would have depressed if an incandescent bulb was being used instead of the LED. The light output if initially measured with a sphere photometer, right after 30 seconds as soon as the flashlight is switched on. The emitted light is measured in lumens. The intensity of the beam of light is made ascertain by measuring the brightest and illuminated spot created by the beam of the flashlight. LED flashlights not only produce light, but also generate heat. But due to the aluminum bodies of the LED flashlights, the heat is dissipated and thus they can become warm during usage.However, making the use of LED flashlight possible and safe.
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