NHRA Drag Racing - Mike Coughlin Locks Up JEGS Allstars Berth NORWALK, May 23, 2012: Following a quarterfinal finish in thisweekend's B'Laster Cavalcade of Stars event in Norwalk,Ohio, Mike Coughlin has officially earned his spot as the TopSportsman representative for the North Central Division JEGSAllstars team. Coughlin entered the event with a two-round lead in the standingsand maintained his edge by advancing to the third round ofeliminations with his JEGS.com Chevy Cobalt. Despite a tough lossthere, Coughlin was able to celebrate a few moments later when JohnScali and Ricky Adkins, the last two drivers who could catch him,were also eliminated. "I would love to have won this race but I really wanted to makesure I got into the JEGS Allstars and we did that. Now, I can makemy plans for Joliet," Coughlin said. "It was pretty intense therefor a while. After I lost, I opened the door and I could hear [NHRAannouncer Leo Taugher] say that John Scali had red-lighted. Then Iwatched Ricky Adkins get beat and I knew it was a done deal. Ihaven't raced in the JEGS Allstars in 15 years and I'mexcited to go back. It's such an honor just to make theteam." Coughlin last qualified for the JEGS Allstars event in the SuperComp class in 1997. He also was an Allstars representative in 1990and both times, he finished as a runner-up. Coughlin will now beable to join his North Central Division teammates as they competefor team and individual honors at the JEGS Allstars event, whichwill be held on June 30 during the O'Reilly Route 66Nationals in Joliet, Ill. After qualifying eighth in the quick Top Sportsman field, Coughlinraced to the third round where he lost an extremely close tiltagainst Stephen Brinegar. Although Coughlin was slightly quickeroff the starting line with a .017 to .027-second reaction timeadvantage, Brinegar was able to run closer to his dial-in time,winning the race by just .001-second at the finish line. "I had him covered and I gave it away," Coughlin said. "It was justone of those things. My car was perfect and I thought I did a goodjob driving. I just made a small mistake and it cost me. I hadhoped to do a little better this weekend but we got the Allstars[berth] wrapped up and that was the most important thing." Teammate Samantha Coughlin, Mike's sister-in-law, also lost aheartbreakingly close race in her JEGS.com dragster. Coming off astrong finish at the recent Lucas Oil Series event in Indianapolis,Samantha drove to the fourth round of competition before losing toGlen Ginn by just .002 seconds. Samantha also had the quickerreaction time, .011 to .032, but ran just an 8.935 to Ginn's8.912. "I'm bummed," Samantha said. "I usually don't get toupset but I may have lost my composure for a few minutes after thatone. Going down the track, I told myself to stay in it but I rippedthe throttle and gave it away by two-thousandths. We wereside-by-side and I knew what to do but I just didn't listento myself." Though disappointed by the loss, it didn't take long forSamantha to find a silver lining as she continues to be one of theleading contenders for the Division 3 Super Comp title. "On the bright side, going to the fourth round is not too bad,"Samantha said. "We scored some points and the car was flawless allweekend. I just need to learn to trust it and we'll be ingood shape. I am an expert from knittedbabywear.com, while we provides the quality product, such as China Baby Layette Set , Knitted Baby Wear, Baby Romper Suits,and more.
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