Men, the best approach to resolve your marriage problems is to actually understand what it is that women really want deep inside their subconscious thoughts. Otherwise you may have an expensive divorce on your plate which is costly not only in terms of money spent on divorce lawyers and marriage guidance counsellors but also in terms of your health, wealth and life style. What I mean by that is the emotional strain it has on you and on your children, family and friends. Wealth measured in non financial terms takes into account relationships you have with those dear to you. Relationships can be devastated by divorce resulting in split custody, anxious children, and friends with divided loyalties and more. So wouldn't be better to resolve your marriage problems quickly in order to save your marriage rather than head to the divorce courts. I personally have had two failed marriages and believe me I wish I had known then what I know now about how to deal with problems in marriage. Maybe I would not be in the financial crisis I am in now had I taken heed of the advice I am going to give you. Because I would not like you to make the mistakes I did and end up in the divorce courts twice and financially ruined. No matter how bad it seems, you can still turn your marriage around and enjoy the romance and the sex that you once had. All the fights and arguments are just the symptoms that cover up the real issue. The real problems in marriage can be resolved by understanding and acting upon the following principals. 1) Marriage Problems Can Be Resolved By Understanding What Women Want What women really want is a guy who will do what it takes to get the job done so that she and her family are safe. That's what turns women on more than anything. This is due to evolutionary psychology which has become so ingrained in our DNA. In the time of the caveman women needed a partner who could protect her from harm and who could provide for her and her offspring. However, a man on a biological level prefers a woman who can bear his children and spread his genes. And who are you to stop that evolutionary force? Biologically even in this day and age that is what a woman wants. That is the fundamental problem in marriage. Couples do not realise that they are being ruled by their genes, by their biological sex drive. As a husband you need to be many things. A protector, a partner and maybe even a friend, but what you actually are, what your MAIN role is - you are your wife's sex mate. 2) Marriage Problems Can Be Resolved By Building Attraction The success of every marriage depends on one thing and one thing only: ATTRACTION. Are you still attracted to your wife? Is she still attracted to you? Are you still turned on just by watching her get undressed at night or brush her hair in the morning or sip her coffee? Do you dream about her naked body? If not, something has to be critically wrong with your relationship. You can turn your marriage around, if you know how to do it and are willing to put a bit of work into it. But none of your efforts will be worth a thing if you aren't both attracted to each other; if you aren't both hot for each other in a way that you can't resist. 3) Marriage Problems Can Be Resolved By Becoming The Leader In Your Marriage There's absolutely no such thing as a completely equal partnership. ONE person always has to be the one to make the final decision and call the shots. Every group in history, from small groups of people to world governments, churches and businesses, all have one thing in common - somebody is the LEADER. The leader in your relationship is going to be the one with the power. Become the manliest, most alpha man you can be and assume the leadership role in your marriage. Men - you have to be the leader in your relationship. You will find that power and leadership are SEXY and that is what will keep your wife attracted to you. 4) Marriage Problems Can Be Resolved When You Take The Power Back There's something incredibly arousing about having someone decide what you should do, and that's the first step you need to take with your wife to generate complete attraction. Hey man you need to take the power back because a woman who has a weak husband just ISN'T ATTRACTED TO HIM and she becomes bored and rapidly looses interest in him. And that, men, is the root cause of the problems in marriage. Men do not follow their biological programming and become weak. They stop being leaders and attraction dies. Reawaken the leader in you, take back the power and you will soon notice how much your wife is attracted to you. So, in summary, if you want your marriage to take a 180 degree turn and transform into an exciting, mutually beneficial relationship with mind blowing sex then you need to take action today. To save your marriage you need to urgently resolve your fundamental marriage problems. Rekindle the attraction by assuming the leadership role in your marriage. Marriage problems? Men - would you like your marriage to take a complete turn - transform into an exciting, mutually beneficial relationship with great sex? Then you must take action TODAY. To save your marriage you must resolve underlying marriage problems NOW. Don't waste any more time. Allow me to show you how - click on
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