Your face is the mirror to your personality. With the plethora of beauty products available in market, staying beautiful forever has become feasible. But often these chemical laden products take away the natural radiance and glow of your skin. Like everyone else, if you too are striving for that flawless skin, you would be more than happy to use some natural beauty tips here: 1. If your skin is sun burnt, make a mixture of 1 spoon of gram flour and 2 spoon of curd and apply it on your face. Keep it for ½ hour and wash off with plain water. 2. Apply natural body lotion to keep your body supple and young. You will get natural cosmetics from stores that specialise in natural products. Visit to know more about such stores. 3. To cleanse your face, dab a piece of cotton wool into raw milk and wipe face with it. 4. If you want to fight those wrinkles off your face, apply tomato paste on your face. Tomatoes are great anti- oxidants. To make the paste mix 1 day old curd with tomato. Apply this paste daily in the morning. Tomatoes can also be used to remove extra oil from your face. Simply apply tomato pulp on your face. Let it dry for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. 5. To remove blackheads, make a mixture with equal amounts of cucumber and lemon juice. Apply this on your face and neck before taking bath. Allow your skin to take in the goodness for 10 minutes. With regular usage, you are surer to notice fewer blackheads and a fairer complexion. 6. To improve your skin tone, paste basil (tulsi) to extract the juice from it. Add lime juice to this juice. Use this mixture to regularly message your face and neck for 10 minutes for 15 days. 7. To improve your complexion, apply a paste of cucumber with raw milk once every 3 days. 8. To treat rough and dry skin, prepare a paste of equal amount of mashed pumpkin, watermelon, muskmelon and cucumber. Blend the mixture with milk cream and apply evenly on face. Leave the paste for 1 hour and then rinse off with plain water. 9. For radiant complexion, slice a few grapes into half and rub the cut surface on clean skin. 10. For glowing skin, grate raw coconut and extract the milk out of it. Apply this on your lips and face to get an instant glow. 11. You can make a natural moisturiser at home by mixing one tablespoon lime juice and 1 tablespoon orange juice in 1 cup of yoghurt to make a paste. Apply it on your face and keep it for 15 minutes. Then clean it off with a wet tissue. 12. Rub the juice of raw potato on your skin to remove marks, pigmentation and sun tan. 13. Water and good sleep will enrich your beauty. Drink 10- 12 glasses of water per day and sleep for at least 8 hours to have glowing and healthy skin. Robert Louis is a renowned beautician and also a professional author. He has written many articles on beauty tips and this article is one among them.
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Glowing Skin, beauty tips, natural cosmetics,