Take a look at nature, society, religion and business and you will realise that there is always a leader. The lion king rules its pride, the strongest elephant leads the herd, birds migrate in formation following the flight path of the strongest leader, taking turns - as one tires another assumes the role - the dominant ape controls its territory and even the chooks at the farm are told what to do by the cocky rooster. They rule the roost! Cats, dogs and many other animals mark their territory. Everywhere in nature there is a natural leader. Animals follow their biological instincts and do what is natural for them. We need to take heed from this to learn something about saving our marriage. Let's look at society. Every country has a leader - kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers - even though not all end up being great dynamic leaders. If society does not have effective leadership it may not survive and could possibly end in a dictatorship or anarchy. We have seen what happens to people in countries where leadership is dogmatic and immoral. Strong but fair leadership is the key to a nation's vitality, health and wealth and it is the key to your marriage's vitality health and wealth as well. Religious groups have leaders. Traditionally these leaders have been men - Mohammed, Buddha and Jesus Christ. Great religions need great charismatic leaders just like any successful marriage needs a great charismatic leader. And business - all successful businesses have great dynamic leaders to plan and give direction, to lead the way to expansion and to profit. Without effective planning, goal setting and action from a successful leader the business will struggle to move ahead and be profitable. To be successful a marriage needs effective planning, goal setting and action just like in a business. As a rule most of the world's leaders have been men, although more women are making inroads into many of these roles now. Modern day society believes that women should have equality, and yes they should. But do they? Women leaders are still in the minority. Why is this? To answer this question let's look at our genetics. Genetically and biologically our programming dates back to the caveman era. Sexuality is still ruled by our Stone Age genes, just like the animals. A man's sex drive and hunting skills had to be resilient enough to make sure that the human race survived. Reproductively men can be seen as the sperm donors and providers, and women as the breeders and nurturers. The caveman was the leader and protector of his clan, just like you need to be. So what can nature, society and business tell us about saving our marriage? It tells us that for any marriage to be successful the marriage needs a leader. It requires a leader just like you who understands his responsibilities and who practises fairness, foresight, frankness, truthfulness, communication, listening, responding and steering - just to mention a few characteristics. For being an effective leader requires this sort of commitment; and if commitment is put into place the results will speak for themselves. To save your marriage you need to be that effective charasmatic leader. You have to retrain your brain in order to re-awaken the caveman hunter psyche. You will then become a more charismatic and stronger leader than ever before. On a subconscious level leadership is really important to your wife's sex drive. When a woman senses that her man is a loving, fun, charismatic leader, she will do anything to make him happy. And you will end up with a long, happy, successful marriage full of love, passion and fulfilling sex. Don't forget that in the animal kingdom males fight for the right to mate with the females of the pack. The strongest male wins and spreads his genes making the pack stronger than ever. Often the weaker male is banned from the pack. So men wake up the "sleeping lion king" inside of you, be the leader of the pack, the dynamic, exciting leader your wife fell in love with in the first place! When that eventuates, your wife's sex drive senses the presence of a capable leader, and her attraction for you will be so magnetic! All you have to do is unlock the qualities inside of you that make you an amazing, compelling, dynamic leader. And then let nature take care of the rest! You will be one step closer to saving your marriage. So in a word YES. Yes, the fact is that nature, society and business can tell us a thing or two about saving our marriage, and in simple terms that thing is called LEADERSHIP. It is important for men to be the leader in their marriage in order to save it. Isn't it good that saving our marriage is simple? Men - it's not too late to save your marriage, but you must take action NOW! Follow the lion king's example and learn all the steps you need to take to become the leader in your marriage. It isn't cheap, but compared to the cost of a divorce??? Peanuts! Click on http://www.SaveYourMarriage.co
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