Customized mugs are a very popular gift and people love to receive these thoughtful little presents, customized to reflect the taste and personality of their owners. These mugs are a great way to capture special moments or just to express personal styles. Often, these mugs can be a bit on the expensive side, take a while to ship and prove difficult to change once the design is chosen. There is another option that allows for even more customization, enabling the owner to change the mug design as often as he or she wishes. Chalkboard mugs are a great gift option for artists, those who write notes on whatever's around or enjoy making their own designs, and teachers. The first thing that is necessary for creating a chalkboard mug is, of course, the coffee mug itself. You will want to pick a color of mug that will compliment the chalkboard paint that will be used on it. An inexpensive mug will serve just as well as an expensive one, but unless you want one that already has a design on it make sure to get a plain, solid colored mug. The next thing needed is chalkboard paint. While this can be found at many art and craft stores, it can be relatively expensive. Fortunately, chalkboard paint is easy and inexpensive to make at home. You will want to purchase paint for your project in whatever color or colors you deem appropriate. For mugs, the best choice is ceramic or porcelain paint. Next, you will need to take a visit to the nearest home improvement store and pick up some non-sanded tile grout. To make the chalkboard paint, simply mix one cup of paint with two tablespoons of the grout. Mix this concoction well so that there are no lumps and in no time you will have a batch of attractive, inexpensive chalkboard paint in the color or colors of your choice. The next step is simply a matter of painting the mug with the chalkboard paint. Feel free to get creative with this step; instead of painting the entire mug with the chalkboard paint, you can use stencils to make chalkboard areas of various sizes and shapes for example. The possibilities are practically endless, and you can even use normal paint to make designs around the chalkboard area. Make sure to get a nice, smooth coating of chalkboard paint onto the mug. To help the paint set and bond to the mug, place it in an oven set to low heat for a couple of hours. Once you pull the mug out and let it cool, it's ready to be presented. Because presentation is everything, it's time to spruce up this unique gift before giving it to the recipient. Probably the best thing you can include with gift projects of this sort is a small box of chalk, preferably one in different colors to allow the recipient to get totally creative with your project. Consider wrapping the entire deal in translucent gift paper, then sit back and watch the recipient's face light up with joy. David Sheath is greatly experienced in the photo gifts industry. His website Photo Gifts Mall offers more than 400 fully customizable products, including affordable customized mugs that can be easily personalized with your own photos, logos, designs and text.
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