When was the last occasion you performed regular preventive maintenance on your garage door or your garage door opener? While your garage door opener is a great benefit and works effectively, just about all house owners take it for granted. Depending on the arrangement of your home, you most likely find yourself entering and exiting your residence through your garage door. That makes the garage entrance and it's associated opener a very vital and practical part of your home. Just like all mechanical devices there comes a point in time when your garage door opener will not work. Sorry to say it will in all probability take place at the most inopportune time. That is why a little anticipatory maintenance can be a wonderful method to make sure that you notice problems with your garage door before something breaks. It seems like there's enough evidence to prove to anybody regarding the value of regular upkeep for their garage doors and openers. An important thing to consider is that a garage door opener can without difficulty raise a four hundred fifty pound double residential door. Since a door may reverse as it is closing, which requires many foot pounds of force, it is reasonable that the door opening machinery must be completely maintained. Children are God's gifts, but they can be destructive to a garage door with an opener. Don't permit them to continually push the opener button. This can ultimately cause your garage door opener to fail. Here are some ideas that will help you maintain your garage door in working shape. Twice a year, tug the rope that disconnects your garage door opener from your garage door. One technique to recollect this errand is to do it when the clocks are changed. Once you have disconnected the opener, do a equilibrium examination on your door. Open the door about half way. Then release the door. The door should remain in that spot without any exertion on your part. Visually check rails, chain/belt and mounting brackets on your garage door opener. Horizontal rails should always be parallel to insure that the door operates suitably. Lubricate all metallic parts twice a year with a proper metal lubricant. The same applies for weather seals. Make sure to use a silicone based lubricant. This will add years of care free operation to your garage door. Do a reversal test. Make sure that the reversal mechanisms of your garage door opener are working. Since 1996, all garage door openers are outfitted with two safety systems. The primary one is a photocell system that will stop and reverse the motion of the door whenever a person or thing passes through the light beam. The second system will stop and reverse the door automatically if it senses any resistance while the door is closing. You're done! The entire inspection procedure shouldn't require any more than just a a small number of moments. Isn't it nice to be ahead of the upkeep curve and know that you've done everything you can to anticipate garage door problems? Check this out. overhead door garage door opener
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