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The Best Dog Stories by Brandon Kennington

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The Best Dog Stories by
Article Posted: 01/21/2013
Article Views: 71
Articles Written: 143
Word Count: 811
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The Best Dog Stories

Family & Parenting,Pets
The relationship between a dog and its owner is a magnificent thing. It is full of wild experiences and heart-touching tales. And while we might picture those experiences to be among the exciting moments of life, like trips to new lands or wild outdoor experiences while camping, there are also situations inside the home that matter.

For some owners, it is those times when they need a little help to keep their home clean and their dog happy. This is why the Porch Potty has become a widely appreciated asset for dog owners throughout the world. While its general purpose is to keep your dog comfortable (and your home interior clean), owners often have their own particular use and appreciation for this tool.

Attraction at first sight

Perhaps one of the most intriguing characteristics of the Porch Potty is that it has an insatiable attraction for dogs. The familiarity and natural incentive can accommodate to even the most extraordinary situations.

Mayzie and Dominoe were two dogs living in an upstairs condo with their loving owner. As with all dogs, the passage of time had affected these two dogs, and they had succumbed to the loss of some of their most valued senses.

The older dog was partially blind and could barely smell, but it was attracted to the Porch Potty unit and almost immediately began using it like it had always been there. Doggy see- doggy do; its fellow four-legged friend quickly followed up and began using the unit, too. The quick and easy access proved to be perfect for their condo lifestyle, which would otherwise have required them to navigate stairs and endure the oft-inclement weather outside.

High up and nowhere to potty

Bentley was a young puppy that had recently arrived to add a whole lot of happiness to its owner’s life. Because of their high-rise lifestyle, the owner decided to help ease the new puppy’s life by getting a Porch Potty unit. Though the owner had decided to allow Bentley to settle in before beginning the task of potty training, the young puppy started to use the unit even before being introduced to it. Basically, Bentley had decided that it was time to take care of business right now! There’s not always time to wait for the elevator, plus it can be difficult trying to navigate the weather. So for Bentley and his owner, the Porch Potty has made life a whole lot easier so they can focus on enjoying the great things in life.

Recovery a little easier

Charlotte, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, had a rough time when diagnosed with luxated patellas in both rear knees (common in smaller or miniature breeds between the ages of 4-6 months). This meant that the young pup had to endure surgery in both knees, leaving her in casts for weeks. Fortunately, her loving owner had already fitted their home with a Porch Potty to help potty train her. Rather than navigating stairs, the pup had the opportunity to take care of its necessities inside and focus on healing up as quickly as possible.

Can’t always be there

Of course, the dog isn’t always the one to benefit. Tiana is the proud owner of a mastiff puppy. Unfortunately, she has to deal with the problem of dizziness early in the mornings. Navigation can be difficult, especially with the requirement of traveling up and down long flights of stairs to take care of her pup’s regular needs. But, that doesn’t mean that her pup had to wait each morning until the condition passed and Tiana was ready to go outside. With the addition of the Porch Potty, her pup could take care of business while Tiana got back to feeling well enough to play with her faithful pooch.

The Porch Potty has the ability to ease not only the life of your pup but can also make life more convenient for you. With a wide range of sizes and applications, it is simple enough for dog owners to equip their home in order to meet their companion’s needs.

And thus the real question is: How much does your dog appreciate their Porch Potty? How has it affected your life? Having an indoor potty for your dog brings ease to life so that you can focus on enjoying the things that make your relationship with your faithful companion so enjoyable. Do you have more time to play? Was training made easier? How has it simplified the life of you and your beloved pup? Share your stories with us too!

Keeping up with your pet supplies can be just another thing you don’t want to have to remember. After a long day at work and going to the store, the last thing you want to do is have to go “to the store” again. Consider home delivery of your pet supplies!

Related Articles - pets, dogs, dog stories,

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