SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir, May 7 - The Government Mondayopened up civil secretariat amid tight security in the Srinagarcity, the summer capital of region, to mark the beginning ofshifting back of capital city. Civil secretariat constitutes the office of Indian-controlledKashmir's chief minister and his colleagues (ministers andbureaucrats). The region's Chief Minister Omar Abdullah was presented a guard ofhonor in the secretariat premises prior to the resumption of workin the offices. "We hope that the Center (New Delhi) will take all the steps neededto address the internal as well as external dimensions of Kashmirissue," said Abdullah addressing a press conference in civilsecretariat. "I am hopeful that the ongoing dialogue between Indiaand Pakistan will continue so that the outstanding issues betweenthe two countries are resolved." The offices closed in Jammu, the winter capital on April 27. According to government spokesman, the offices in Srinagar willfunction until the last week of October. "The offices will remainfunctional here for the next six months," said a senior official."As per roster, ministers will be visiting Jammu to oversee workthere." Indian-controlled Kashmir is the only region to have two capitalcities- Srinagar and Jammu. Adequate security measures were put in place in the Srinagar cityahead of this move. The practice of shifting the seat of the state government andadministrative departments between the twin capitals is officiallyknown as the "Darbar Move". The Darbar move usually incurs a heavy cost on the state'sexchequer. Ahead of every move, funds are spent on the renovationof ministerial bungalows, the civil secretariat and governmentquarters, and on the transportation of office files. Also, a fortnight in advance before the opening of Darbar, capitalroads and bridges, particularly those leading to the secretariat,get a face lift and a fresh coat of paint. More than 7,000 employees relocate with the changing of Darbar. This legacy of shifting offices biannually in the region is a139-year old tradition, when Kashmir was a princely state ruled bya Dogra Maharaja (King). The logic behind the move was the considerable difference inclimate between Jammu and Srinagar, with the latter becomingextremely cold in winter. Since 1947, the local government has repeatedly attempted to endthis move to relieve the state exchequer, but has never succeeded.During the mid 1980s, when former Chief Minister Farooq Abdullahcontemplated not relocating, his proposal was met with fierceopposition from the Jammu people. The senior Abdullah saw no chancebut to cancel his plan. Following the beginning of armed insurgency in the region in 1989,such plans were shelved completely. Since then a guerrilla war isalso going on between militants and the Indian troops stationed inthe region. The junior Abdullah too is critical of the Darbar move anddescribes the practice as "escapist". Meanwhile, the offices ofregion's Governor and legislative assembly (law making institution)too opened up in Srinagar. The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as Tripod Sprinkler Stand , Light Weight Tripods, and more. For more , please visit Aluminum Camera Tripod today!
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