Obesity is nothing but a metabolic disturbance which is strengthening its roots throughout the world and approaching epidemic proportions each day. Weight loss and Yoga are purely interconnected and yoga has so much to do with the obesity control. An overweight person is prone to developing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and many more analogous problems harming their physical, mental and personal stability. People often turn to the dieticians seeking quick solutions in order to lose weight or turn to the gym and tend to curb their diet measure. But when it comes to burn the calories and regain the ideal balance in your life nothing counts better than yoga. Yoga helps reducing weight in many aspects. There are several parts of the body which control fat level in the body to overflow and prevent obesity. The liver is one of the most essential body parts which purifies the blood and processes fat. A healthy liver disposes of the bad fats and gets the good fats to work for the body. By strengthening liver, one can easily put off the over weightiness and fortunately, several yoga exercises, such as bhujangasana (cobra pose), dhanurasana (bow pose), and chakrasana (wheel pose), help bring the liver to its proper functioning and reduce weight. Severe bloating caused by blocking the food matter in the colon can also turn to obesity. Through colon cleansing yoga exercises, one can get rid of this problem and can weight loss by yoga. Agnisara asana (fire pose) and may or asana (peacock pose) are best suited for this. The thyroid gland releases a metabolic regulatory hormone which prevents from hypothyroidism i.e. low thyroid stamina. Since the metabolism burns a lot of fat when the thyroid gland is active and functioning properly, one must look into this to control weight and several yoga exercises are again here to help this out such as saving ozone (shoulder stand) and matsy asana (fish pose). Apart from the yoga exercises, one must also take into account the food that is taken should be organic. One must eat healthy nutrient dense organic food as it carries fewer calories. One can easily return to the ideal weight by following a simple daily yoga program with a strong commitment and having a conviction in oneself and in the ancient science. An overweight person should immediately include a yogic program into the routine as obesity gets better with time. And yoga therapies can help them cultivate strength and cut calories. Yoga poses if taken up and practiced regularly are known to have a positive impact on the metabolism and the chubbiness of the individual as they bring the cholesterol to the lower wanted level in the individual along with the heart rate. One may expect to kill almost 200 calories per hour depending on the type of yoga exercises one is practicing. Therefore, the Yoga exercises are the best way to burn the maximum amount of calories and carry the weight loss process in the optimum and the healthiest way out. Yoga proves to be the best way to kill the ever growing concern of obesity in the world. If an individual is aware of the harms of the over weightiness and committed to follow a certain yoga exercises in his routine life then the person can weight loss by yoga in an unexpected proportion and stay healthy.
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