Why even bother with the meter? The simple answer is anything that measures what you consume must be accurate; otherwise you are paying for what you do not use. Having accurate meter boxes is important in order to ensure you do not pay more than you should in electrical bills. A gauge that is not working properly could raise legal issues for the consumer, as he may be forced to take responsibility and sometimes even charged with fraud. Therefore making this choice is not a small matter. Before you rush to buy one, there are a number of things that you must note. Local Rules and Regulations The first thing you need to know is if you are complying with regulations. Your local utility company may have regulations that you may also need to comply with, so it is a good thing to double check. When installing a Box for meter, you need to ensure that it is in a weather proof area. This also includes ensuring that it is under protective shelter. Rain, storms and moisture can affect It even if not directly. If exposed to small amounts of these elements, it will slowly get worn out over time. It must be placed more than 4 feet above the ground but not more than 6 feet high. Durability of The meter Since the weather affects the performance of the meter boxes, the law and the utility companies are very strict on matters concerning it. You may be forced to take responsibility in case it becomes inefficient. It is your responsibility as the consumer that it remains efficient since it is in the privacy of your home. Take Caution You must always ensure that you contact your local utility company before you attempt to change it. In case of an accident, you will have a lot to explain. Also you need to contact the security company and inform them you will be removing the security tag. It is also very important to ensure you do not attempt to do the changes yourself. Make a point of calling a qualified expert to do it for you. You could hurt yourself and others tying to do it on your own. Choosing a quality box for meter will help you avoid these problems. Good quality boxes are more durable and resistant to elements of the weather. Paying the extra amount for something of quality will save you the agony that comes with a bad meter.
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