Most parents of children between 3-5 years do not feel the necessity of teaching their children to read at home. "Where is the time and what's the need when they will be going to school, next year" they explain. Understandably, when both partners work they are bound to be pressed for time. At best, they can spare an hour or so over the weekend, if there isn't too much to do. What if you were to learn that 15 minutes a day is all you need to help put your child on the path to reading proficiently. And it is hardly beneficial leaving it all to the school when you consider that: 1. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 67% of all Grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level, 2. The U.K. government's Department of Education reported that 42% of children left school without achieving a basic level of functional English. Over 100,000 students leave schools functionally illiterate, in the UK each year, 3. The Australian Government Department of Education reported that 33% of all 5 year old students cannot meet the benchmark literacy skills, 4. And in Canada, 42% of Canadians are considered semi-illiterate. Unfortunately, the reason that makes these literacy statistics shocking is because in these countries English is the first language. Worldwide, wherever English is spoken but is not the native language, the results are generally more satisfying. "Many in-service teachers are not knowledgeable in the basic concepts of the English language. They do not know how to address the basic building blocks of language and reading." This is a finding from a study done at the Texas A&M University. The Children Learning Reading program addresses all the foundational skills that will make your child into a super fluent reader. This simple, step-by-step program is designed to show you how to help your young child develop exceptional phonemic awareness skills, and reading capabilities. After an extensive review of over 1,960 clinical studies, the National Reading Panel has gone as far as to say that "teaching phonics and phonemic awareness produces better reading results than whole language (conventional) programs. Teaching phonemic awareness improves a child's reading, reading comprehension, and spelling abilities." A major shortcoming of the conventional system is that children develop a tendency to guess, skip over, or replace words they don't know and this hampers their ability to learn to read. What you must remember is that your child's vocabulary and reading ability in first grade strongly predicts the subsequent outcome in grade 11 and poor reading skills are a threat to a High School graduation. Research has shown that If a child's reading difficulties are not addressed early, chances are that child will never acquire sufficient reading skills. In Stage I, the Children Learning Reading program is designed to help your child develop exceptional phonemic awareness and reading skills and your child will have developed a rock solid foundation. Because children have very short attention spans, this program is designed to be short, simple, interesting, and extremely effective. Either parent will have to spare only 10 to 15 minutes a day. Stage 2 lessons are more advanced and you will be amazed at your child's reading ability after completing the entire program. As a parent you will learn how to properly sound out letters, read words and sentences when teaching your children to read. And let this system share with you key techniques and methods that are critical to teaching young children to read, and discover practical tips on how to best adapt this program to meet your needs to fit your schedule. It is appreciated that there are many different approaches to teaching English. Some teachers prefer the whole-language approach, while others prefer to separate skills based on listening, speaking, reading and writing. The object of this article is not to denigrate any system of teaching or to cast aspersions on the ability of any individual to teach properly.. The Children Learning Reading program was designed for the requirements of the present day children. Please go through this guide for new ideas and suggestions, and use the system only If you find it suitable for your children, and your method of teaching how to read. Capt. R.P.Bhalla is a retired airline captain and an expert on social affairs. He writes exclusively on Family, Health and Money matters.
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