At the time of the creation of this, there are four different types of Dragon Weapons out there for those of you who have an Attack level of 60 or above, and who has beaten the Hero's and Lost City quests. But how do you know which one to use? We'll start off with the pros and cons of the different weapons - Longsword, Battleaxe, Dagger, and Mace. Longsword A fast weapon that deals a decent amount of damage. When I did this weapon test, I had a Strength level of 93. At the time, this weapon could hit a maximum of 24. It is also very accurate when it comes to slashing damage - slashing damage is good against enemies in chains and enemies in leather armour, not against plated enemies. Special Attack: The Special Advance with the longsword is a added able bang that takes abroad 25% of your Advance Bar. This advance rarely (if ever) misses and can do added damage, but not always. In Advance Mode and Strength 95, I accept hit 28 with this advance (I can usually alone do 24 this way) Battleaxe In RSC, this is the definite choice, but is it still all that great? The price is still 200,000, but it's not worth it. Not at a long shot. The slowest of the dragon weapons, and almost any added authentic than the longsword. At the Strength akin I had if testing the weapons (93), I could hit a best of 26. This is college than the longsword, but doesn't even out the apathetic advance rate. It is about acceptable adjoin argent enemies with the advancing drove attack, as able-bodied as it is acceptable adjoin enemies in chains and/or covering armour. Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, it's not. Way too slow. Special Attack: Temporarily increases Strength by 20 and decreases Attack by 5. It costs all of the Attack Bar and is a acceptable way to "pot up" if you don't accept a Super Strength Potion. Note that if you use this calm with a potion, it won't accord you an added effect. Dagger Very weak, very cheap, very fast, and you can poison it. With Strength 93, I think the maximum I could hit was 18 or 19, and it has a very fast attack rate. It's accuracy is not the best, but good enough to hit at a decent rate. With poison, this weapon is proven to be great against high leveled enemies (100+). Against low-leveled enemies, it kills at the same rate as the battleaxe. Special Attack: A double attack (one attack that hits as if you attacked twice). This power pretty much works like the longsword and the dagger, only that it's divided up into two attacks at the same time, instead of one powerful attack. It costs 25% of your Attack Bar. The article is from, which you can Buy Runescape Gold ,if you want to learn more information about Cheap Runescape Gold, please enter .
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