“Name” is one of the important things in our lives. It is our identity by which we can be able to recognize by every person. In every field for example in prose, poetry and all the religious books, we can recognize the character by their names. We cannot imagine a person without his or her name. Numerologists say that the name has the positive as well as negative impacts on our lives. They say that parents should have to choose the name of their baby after considering many factors because they have to bear this name throughout their life. Numerologists believe that the meaning of the name of a person, influence the nature, the character of a person. To analyze the name, the date of birth of a person and the spelling of the name of that person should be taken into account. The numerologists analyze each and every alphabet of the name of a person with the help of the various techniques or theories. Some of the widely used theories in the field of the name numerology are the Chaldean Theory, Pythagoras and the Kabala method. Among these theories, Chaldean Theory is one of the most difficult and complicated methods to analyze one’s name. But, it is more methodical and reliable theory. Numerology is the study of the numbers. These numbers have great impacts on us and on our future. Psychic number and destiny numbers are two important things which can be known by the numerology reading. These are very important as from these numbers one can be able to understand the desire, wishes, likes, dislikes, food habits, personality, taste and nature of the person. So, these numbers can reveal many aspects of the human lives. There is one more number which can be determined by the study of the baby name numerology is the motivation number. You can be able to know the motivation number of your baby if you say the name and the date of birth of the baby to a numerologist. By the term motivation, we mean the urges to do some work. It is a psychological feature which enables a man to achieve the goal in his or her life. It is important because through which we can be able to know, how much our child is motivated to do a certain thing in his life. You can also know the lucky number, lucky date, color, time of your baby by the study of this numerology. These things you can tell your child and your child will definitely get numerous advantages in his life if he follows it properly. But, you should remember that for doing the baby name numerology, you should contact such a person who is renowned as well as skilled in this field. It is necessary because it is the matter of your child’s name and wrong analysis of the name can impact adversely on the life of your child. It is better not to go to the free numerology sites for your baby which you can be able to find on the internet because they are operated through a software and can give an overall idea. But, to get the exact result you have to go to a renowned and established numerologist. About author: Sanan Maria is a renowned numerologist. He has written many journals on numerology reading. Many people say,” what are my lucky numbers?” For these people these journals are very helpful. Visit: http://www.izodiaque.in/
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