Different industries require humidity controller for different reasons altogether. In this article we shall discuss why various industries such as micro chip and computer industry, paper manufacturing and textile industry, wood working, wine and liquor industry and automotive industry require the use of humidity controller and humidity meter. Read on to know more about the applications of humidity controller and humidity meter. It is essential to keep a check on the humidity in a particular system, simply because controlled humidity helps in increasing the productivity of the system and prevent electro static discharge (ESD) from building up. Humidification systems such as humidity controller etc pump water through atomizing nozzles maintained at high pressure which results in clean mist that readily evaporates (the process is known as flash evaporation) and this evaporation allows for the immediate absorption of the moisture. In this setting, the high pressure pump is the heart of the entire process and hence has the sole responsibility of keeping humidity under control. With the help of humidity controller and humidity meter, one can control the quality standards in a textile and paper industries. Also, with the help of humidity controller, airborne lint and particles are kept to a bare minimum level. Humidity controller has an even more urgent requirement in the paper production industry, since the paper kept in the storage facilities of the plant can very easily gain or lose the excessive moisture and owing to same, the product (i.e. paper) can be ruined. Thus, in order to steer clear ahead of any losses, a humidity controller is a must have instrument in the paper and textile industry. Another application of humidity controller and humidity meter comes to play in the woodworking industry. It is essential to monitor a constant level of humidity, because it is one trait which governs the consistency of the product. Depending on the humidity level, the wood stored in the wood work industry can either swell or shrink. But this affects the uniformity of the product as during the machining processes it is essential that the raw materials have a uniform mass. Also the humidity controller helps in keeping the entire wood work facility safe because it indicates the drop in the humidity level. If the humidity is low, there are higher chances of the facility catching fire, thus the humidity controller also works as a fire alarm. Besides, if one has to control wine or other liquor in the wooden barrels, the humidity is kept a bit hire with the help of humidity controller device. This ensures minimum loss of the liquor due to evaporation. These days, a lot of stress has been laid on using waterborne paint as against the chemical ones, in order to protect the environment. Although these paints are less toxic, yet they respond quickly to the humidity changes. Various manufacturing facilities which require the use of large amount of paint, such as automotive plant etc can save millions of dollars per annum with the help of humidity controller devices. Humidity is usually measured as relative humidity commonly referred to as %RH. Humidity is measured either using the traditional Dry/Wet technique or capacitive methods. Modern dry/wet technique uses temperature sensors to measure the dry and wet temperatures and gives very accurate results with a robust design. The flip side is the requirement to keep one of the sensors wet which have been overcome using innovative sensors with built in water reservoirs. Capacitive methods have the advantage of smaller sized sensors and can be used in clean environments like room applications successfully. Besides, humidity controller as well as humidity meterhas a lot of applications in residential build ups. It keeps a check on the humidity levels and regulate the same, hence it is used in hospitals, commercial residences etc.
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