Smokers know the health risks especially during pregnancy. The problems don't stop with pregnancy they can continue after childbirth as well. It's unfortunate to realize that even though you should quit upon discovering pregnancy many will not. It's important for both you and your baby to quit the benefits are worth it. Once you've made the decision to quit seek out a support group to help you succeed. We will discuss some of the very real risks and dangers caused by smoking during pregnancy. When you smoke so does your baby. Your baby gets his or her first taste of chemicals such as carbon monoxide and nicotine. The nourishment that your baby gets via placenta including oxygen, and whatever else is in your system from smoking gets transferred to your baby. It is known that cigarette makers put hundreds of chemical into the tobacco for various reasons. Some of them, such as formaldehyde, are known carcinogens that help to make the effects of nicotine almost immediately felt in your brain. Your child can have seriously compromised lung function if you smoke during pregnancy. Asthma and pneumonia are more common for children of smoking mothers. These children are also at a greater risk for bronchitis and other chronic respiratory symptoms. Also consider that these problems also involve the child's immune system, as well. These creates a greater susceptibility to infections. Smoking during pregnancy can have a host of possibilities, all of them negative. The main culprit is the cigarette smoking, but that can be further broken down into more specific causes. Blood vessels constrict when nicotine is present in the blood. When you blood vessels reduce blood flow your heart rate has to increase to compensate. The baby's brain and cardiovascular system will be compromised. While the effects of smoking are severe there are no roads around them. Where your child is concerned you aren't giving them a fighting chance if you are smoking during pregnancy. Also, consider that nicotine is also present in mother's milk, and there is no let-up for the baby. If you are pregnant and smoking, then we hope you will learn more about how serious this is. Talking to your doctor can help you find productive ways to quit regardless of how hard you think it's going to be. The following tips can certainly be useful for yourself and also for your child while in and soon after the pregnancy. Still, if you're not pregnant yet and you are looking for methods which can help you to select the baby's gender prior to the pregnancy, then Continue Reading and read about all-natural method which enables you to dramatically increase your chances of choosing your own baby' gender prior to the pregnancy. You may also find more about Pregnancy Tips For Women in this page
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