If you ever plan on hiring Movers Truck so you can drive your possessions to your new home on your own, rather than employing the services of professional relocation companies, there are a few things you need to know about. First off, when you make a reservation, it’s not set in stone. There are instances when the truck that you get is not the truck you thought you were getting. For example, you were given a 15-foot U-Haul truck, instead of the 10-foot vehicle that you ordered. Be sure to make various follow-ups just so your truck won’t be given to someone else on the day of the move. The mileage cost For one-way rentals, the price scales may vary according to the mileage involved. There are companies that factor in this cost to the overall price but still, other moving companies will have different tariffs on the set number of miles according to the overall distance from point A to point B. There would be no problem if you are travelling within city limits because you will pay a flat rate plus the mileage fee. In addition, you typically can’t rent a cargo van for one-way trips as they are restricted for trips within city boundaries. A cargo van would have been perfect for moving large items such as Motorbike Transport, for example. Throw convenience out the window Unlike hiring professional moving companies and driving to your destination in your own car, you can forget about the usual conveniences when driving a rental truck. Some of these trucks were made for functionality and they are quite old so the air-conditioner may be shot. The radio may not work, which could have been a welcome company for the long trip. There’s no GPS unit in most trucks so it would help if you have a smart phone with a map. When hiring a truck, that’s exactly what you get: A moving contraption with a body, engine and wheels. Anything else will cost you extra, including the gas. Besides, if you are not used to driving a movers truck, parking can be a bit of an issue. Unless you drive non-stop interstate, you would have to manoeuvre the vehicle with at least a 9-foot clearance into parking spaces when you check into a hotel. Open-air parking could be a risk to thieves even if you have locks at the back of your truck. Make sure to call hotels along the way to see if their garage can hold your truck. Backloading Instead of a rental truck, you can choose to backload in order to save money. Under this setup, you can wait for the removalists to deliver goods to another destination and on the way back, they can drop off your possessions to your home. The truck can save money on gas and you get a huge discount in loading costs as a result.
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