Some of the daily double roll crusher precautions and maintenance measures: Precautions 1) To strengthen the work to mine iron removal. Will damage the non-broken (brazing prime matter) fall into double roller crusher, resulting in a parking accident. So the device should be installed in addition to iron Crusher ago. 2) viscous material is easy to plug the broken space processing clogging fault should stop treatment is not available in the to poke mine in operation. 3) When the processing of materials containing large pieces more attention to the large pieces of ore easily squeezed out through the broken space to prevent injuries or damage to the equipment. 4) double roller crusher operation a long time, due to the roll surface wear, cause product size too small, then pay attention to adjust to the port of discharge or maintenance equipment. 5) Strengthen check for double roll crusher equipment, fuel lubricating parts of the equipment on time, keep the equipment well lubricated state. Maintenance measures 1. Regardless of how the crusher feed, must be a reliable addition to rust device, to prevent other debris into the crusher. 2. Check the main and auxiliary drive gear box oil level, to ensure an adequate supply of oil. 3. crusher must load starting, before the start of the retained material within the crusher must be checked and cleared. Check the main and sub-transmission gear box oil level, to ensure an adequate supply of oil. 4. Start the crusher to normal speed, and in the case of no abnormal to begin feeding. 5. Crusher such as long-term disabled, or the initial startup, should advance human rotating pulley 2-3 weeks to confirm the machine is running freely, then the motor jog a few times, when the motor rotation direction is correct, in order to official launch of the crusher. 6. Periodic sampling to check whether the crusher product size to meet the requirements. When necessary to re-adjust the spacing of the crushing rollers. 7. Normal shutdown, make sure to stop feeding, all materials within the standby can exclude crusher downtime. 8. crusher main and auxiliary drive gearbox with gear oil lubrication, summer and winter period box lubricants should be replaced. 9. Crusher materials strength, particle size, or broken than change the set nitrogen pressure of the buffer tank. The size of the pressure to meet the crushing roller compaction force the need for moderation. Excessive clamping force will lead to mechanical wear and tear to accelerate and power consumption increases. Ultra particles too small, the pressing force of the crushed product will increase and activity crushing rollers rendering frequent chattering phenomenon. The buffer cylinder under nitrogen pressure using the range of 1.5-4MPa. 10. crusher overhaul, when re-assembled on stage crushing roller clamp coupling, round nut, coupling bolts shall be strictly controlled tighten twisting moment. The screw clasp shell coupling bolts, it would need to pay attention to their sequence, you should tighten the bolts to the angle, and then tighten the middle bolt, while paying attention to the coupling of the sub-surface on both sides of the gap should be uniform. 11. Maintenance overhaul To open the main and auxiliary drive gear box lid, replace the front rubber seal must be replaced in the static sealing surface evenly coated with a layer of sealant to prevent the sealing surface permeability, oil spills . 12. crusher next stage crushing roller bearing translation device link is lubricated with oil, the design requirements of calcium-based grease No. 2 or No. 3. Normal production, the oil should be within a week of each work the Lid tighten week to grease.
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