Aging doesn’t have to mean giving up the best parts of your life and these 10 keys to healthy aging will help you to make the most of your life in your senior years. You don’t have to dread aging – it can be the best time of your life. Key 1: Stay Social. Make sure that you work to continue keeping up social engagements. As you get older you might have the tendency to stay home more and become isolated. Look for opportunities to be with friends and even join groups to get out of the house. Key 2: Be Active. A key to keeping your mobility and independence is to stay active. That could mean talking a walk each day, swimming or joining a water fitness program, or working in your garden. Just keep moving! Key 3: Keep Up with Screenings. Health screenings can help you to catch problems before they become more serious. You can prevent osteoporosis, cancers, and heart disease by getting regular screenings. Key 4: Get Plenty of Sleep. As you age, your sleep patterns may change. It’s important to try to keep your sleeping schedule consistent and to get at least 6-8 hours each night. You need this sleep to heal and have your energy restored for the next day. Key 5: Stop Smoking. If you’ve been a smoker, it’s always a good idea to stop smoking. Smoking makes it difficult to breathe, can cause disease, and will take way your independence faster than any other habit. Key 6: Stimulate Your Mind. Many people worry about losing their memory. One way to keep your memory sharp is to give it work to do. Puzzles, reading, and good conversation can help you to keep your mind bright. Key 7: Get Good Nutrition. It’s important as you age to continue to get the nutrients you need. You may find that your appetite is lighter than it once was, so you need to make sure the things you eat provide nutrition. Key 8: Add Necessary Supplements. You may need to add supplements to your routine such as a multivitamin and calcium. You may also need to add supplements such as fish oil, glucosamine chondroitin. Talk with your doctor before adding supplements. Key 9: Keep Track of Medications. When you’re older and you go to many different doctors, it’s possible that you’ll get many different prescriptions. Make sure to keep an updated list so that all of your doctors will know what you’re taking. Overmedication is a major problem for seniors. Key 10: Laugh. Finding humor in your life is very important at all stages. Make sure to spend time with people who make you laugh. Uplifting humorous books, movies, and television shows can also help you to find joy. People wanting to learn more are encouraged to visit the company website and pick up a copy of their free report “Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider," Visit, In Home Care Del Mar
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