If you have just added a new canine member to your family you are surely overjoyed and delighted to feed him, play with him or take him out for a walk. It is important though to keep in mind that little puppies have special needs and there is lot of responsibility involved when owning a puppy. A loving owner must know the right way of feeding puppies and also be informed about spaying dogs. When it comes down to feeding your puppy, you will probably be tempted to feed him as much as possible; after all, it is hard to resist that cute stare. Nevertheless, you must know that too much can often be detrimental to your puppy’s health. When feeding puppies it is always best to give them small meals several times a day. Leaving the food container always full will only result in no control over when or how much your puppy eats, plus it will attract insects and the food will probably spoil and turn rancid even if it is dry. Very young puppies should usually be fed three or four times a day. After your little canine friend has grown a bit, it is safe to feed him 2 times a day for the rest of his life. Nowadays you can find many dog food varieties and brands on the market and sometimes it can be a bit hard to choose just one. Nevertheless, always introduce new food slowly and gradually and make sure you soften dry food with some canned food if the puppy is very young. If your new companion is a female, spaying is something necessary and it should be done before six months of age. Spaying dogs reduces the chances of mammary cancer drastically so the sooner you go through this the better. It is always best to perform this before her first cycle, but it is never too late and it will also protect her from other types of cancer such as ovarian cancer and cysts. The spaying procedure is a common one performed everyday and during this surgery the ovaries and the uterus are removed. The procedure normally takes 20 minutes or so and complications are very rare. There are less risks and the operation will usually be easier if your dog is in a good physical condition. During the two weeks after the procedure, she should avoid running and going up stairs and stay inside and rest. After this period has passed and the vet has evaluated her, she can go back to her normal routine. This may seem a bit troublesome, but spaying your dog is the best thing you can do for her health, well-being, and yours too, since you will be able to enjoy more time with her. To know more about feeding puppies and spaying dogs, please visit puppys-place.com where you can find everything you need to know in order to assure that your puppy will enjoy a healthy, happy and long life. Want to learn what, how often and when one should be feeding puppies ? Check out this and more on spaying dogs here.
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