If we talk about the history of toilet bidet, then we come to know that it is a French invention. Different culture around the world have been using water to clean the private parts of the body including Europe, Middle East, Indonesia to name a few. The traditional bidet that was developed by the French was very crude as compared to the modern day bidets. It was just a bowl on which you crouch over. Soon, it evolved into porcelain seats with proper faucets that were used for cleaning purpose. The first bidet came into existence in the year 1710. The fact that people used to bathe only one time in a week those day, made it really important to have something that would help in maintaining personal hygiene in the private parts of the body. The name bidet was given because French people that the shape of the cleaning device looked like a small horse, and Bidet was the term used for a small horse in French language. The first developed bidets used to be kept in the bedrooms. However, as the times passed and evolution in their structure took place, the bidet toilet seats found its way in the bathrooms. As bidet needed extra space for installation, it became a thing only to be used by the rich people. The fact that it was very useful in maintaining the hygiene; it became really popular and replaced paper that was used to clean the private parts. Statistically speaking, Japan is leading the way when it comes to the use of bidets. Over the last three decades, more than 70% of the homes in Japan have been seen to replace the toilet paper with these modern bidet seats. Although America is the biggest manufacturers of Bidets, they are not a commonly seen in American houses. However, they are soon catching up in popularity. Over the last almost 30years, bidets have become an essential part of American bathrooms, especially for the aged persons. With the coming of electronic bidets, the popularity has increased even further. The fact that bidet provides a much more convenient and hygienic method to clean the most important parts of the body has made it the first choice of every washroom. The changes that the bidet seats have seen over the years, have transformed it, from simple device used by the French to a multipurpose device that gives a hands-free cleaning experience to people in different parts of the world now. Clean Butt is one place where you can find all the possible options that are available in toilet bidet seats. Log on to www.cleanbutt.comto get to know more about them.
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bidet toilet seat, electronic bidets,